Index:Guideline Cross-reference Tables
- ISO26000
This web site has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option.
2. Topic-specific Standards
- ・Economic Performance
- ・Market Presence
- ・Indirect Economic Impacts
- ・Procurement Practices
- ・Anti-corruption
- ・Anti-competitive Behavior
- ・Materials
- ・Energy
- ・Water
- ・Biodiversity
- ・Emissions
- ・Effluents and Waste
- ・Environmental Compliance
- ・Supplier Environmental Assessment
- ・Employment
- ・Labor/Management Relations
- ・Occupational Health and Safety
- ・Training and Education
- ・Diversity and Equal Opportunity
- ・Non-discrimination
- ・Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
- ・Child Labor
- ・Forced or Compulsory Labor
- ・Security Practices
- ・Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- ・Human Rights Assessment
- ・Local Communities
- ・Supplier Social Assessmen
- ・Public Policy
- ・Customer Health and Safety
- ・Marketing and Labeling
- ・Customer Privacy
- ・Socioeconomic Compliance
Core Subjects | Issues | Sustainability Website |
Organizational governance |
Human rights |
Labour practices |
The environment |
Fair operating practices |
Consumer issues |
Community involvement and development |
ROHM Group joined the membership of UN Global Compact in May 2011 and continuing to support the 10 pronciples.
This table compares ROHM Group's CSR activities with the Ten Principles of the Global Compact advocated by the United Nations.
Items | Principles | Sustainability Website |
Human Rights |
Labour |
Environment |
Anti-Corruption |
Comparative Table with SASB Standards
Sustainability Disclosure Topics & Accounting Metrics
TOPIC | CODE | ACCOUNTING METRIC | UNIT OF MEASURE | Progress/Disclosure Location |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions | TC-SC-110a.1 |
Metric tons (t) CO2-e |
TS-SC-110a.2 | Discussion of long-term and short-term strategy or plan to manage Scope 1 emissions,emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of performance against those targets | n/a | ||
Initiatives to Address Environmental Issues
2030 Medium-term Environmental Targets and Single-year Results |
Energy Management in Manufacturing | TC-SC-130a.1 |
Gigajoules (GJ), Percentage (%) |
Water Management | TC-SC-140a.1 |
percentage of each in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress |
Thousand cubic meters (m3), Percentage (%) |
5 out of 24 sites were analyzed as having high water stress 16.8% (Analysis using WRI Aqueduct as a tool) |
Waste Management | TC-SC-150a.1 | Amount of hazardous waste from manufacturing, percentage recycled | Metric tons (t), Percentage (%) |
Total Waste Volume:3,829 t Rate of waste recycling:99.9% |
Employee Health & Safety | TC-SC-320a.1 | Description of efforts to assess, monitor, and reduce exposure of employees to human health hazards | n/a | |
TC-SC-320a.2 | Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with employee health and safety violations | Reporting currency |
Not applicable |
Recruiting & Managing a Global & Skilled Workforce | TC-SC-330a.1 | Percentage of employees that are (1) foreign nationals and (2) located offshore | Percentage (%) |
(1)16,561 people (2)71.8% |
Product Lifecycle Management | TC-SC-410a.1 | Percentage of products by revenue that contain IEC 62474 declarable substances | Percentage (%) | - |
TC-SC-410a.2 | Processor energy efficiency at a system-level for: (1) servers, (2) desktops, and (3) laptops | Various, by Product category | There are no applicable products for the processor of the system. For PMICs used in processors, we have a full lineup of products, but their effectiveness varies by product. | |
Materials Sourcing | TC-SC-440a.1 | Description of the management of risks associated with the use of critical materials | n/a | |
Intellectual Property Protection & Competitive Behavior | TC-SC-520a.1 | Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with anti-competitive behavior regulations | JPY | ¥0 (FY2023) |
Activity Metrics
CODE | ACTIVITY METRIC | UNIT OF MEASURE | Progress/Disclosure Location |
TC-SC-000.A | Total production | Metric tons (t) | - |
TC-SC-000.B | Percentage of production from owned facilities | % | - |
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