

Sustainability ManagementROHM Group's Sustainability


ROHM Group’s Sustainability

Ever since there has been attention drawn to the importance of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), there have also been questions asked about whether "management quality" has been secured for a company. This management quality refers to the quality of the overall management of a company and goes beyond just the QCDS (Product Quality = Quality, Cost, Delivery, Service, etc.) for the "goods" and "services" that a company supplies. At ROHM Group, we consider the satisfaction of both of these requirements to be the "quality of the company" and are striving to achieve this each day.

Company Quality

ROHM aims to correctly grasp changes in society and further improve "corporate quality" to become a company of choice for customers and other stakeholders around the world. ROHM Group has embodied objectives and policies such as Company Mission and Basic Management Policy since company’s foundation, and has promoted sustainability initiatives.

The Company Mission and Basic Management Policy stated by ROHM Group reflect our strong desire to enrich society through our business activities and each and every employee uses them as a foundation when executing their duties. We also use this mission and policy as a foundation to define our ROHM Group Sustainability Policy for each separate stakeholder from the aspect of CSR and we have defined ROHM Group Business Conduct Guidelines as more specific rules for action for ROHM employees.
The mission and policy in the Company Mission and Basic Management Policy will remain unchanged from now on, but the Sustainability Policy and ROHM Group Business Conduct Guidelines will continue to evolve in response to our dialogue with our stakeholders and the shifts in international norms. In addition to our CSR efforts, we will promote sustainability management that creates CSV to solve social issues, which will lead to trust from society and sustainable development of the company.

ROHM Group Business Conduct Guidelinesnew


ROHM Group Sustainability Policy

We will conduct sincere, fair, and transparent business activities from a global perspective in accordance with objectives and policies such as Company Mission and basic Policy, and work to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to contribute to the sustainable development of society. In addition, we will build good relationships through communication with all stakeholders as follows, gain trust from society, and achieve continued growth of our company.

Customers ROHM seeks to obtain customer satisfaction and confidence by continuing to supply is high quality products and services in a timely and appropriate manner. ROHM is also open to customer feedback and suggestions, and will evaluate them internally. ROHM places the highest priority on the safety of our products and strives to disclose relevant information as necessary.
Business Partners ROHM selects business partners according to equitable and rational criteria. ROHM values the relationship with its business partners and conducts equal and fair transactions for mutual prosperity.
Employees ROHM strives to ensure a safe and pleasant working environment, respect human values and individuality, and create a fair and appropriate workplace where each employee may demonstrate individual initiative.
Shareholders and Investors ROHM seeks to continuously improve corporate value and secure appropriate profits in order to provide a steady return to both shareholders and investors. ROHM offers financial information in order to keep shareholders and investors actively informed.
Local Societies and Communities ROHM aims to deepen exchanges with each country and local community, respect their cultures and customs, and create relationships that can develop together with society and local communities. In addition, ROHM will carry out social contribution activities, cultural and artistic activities, etc., and support activities, and actively engage in global environmental conservation activities through our business activities.

The deadline for achievement of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) by 2030 is less than 10 years. The world is still in the midst of social problems such as global warming, large-scale natural disasters caused by climate change, food and water shortages, human rights issues, and some issues are becoming more serious than ever before. In order to realize a sustainable society together with all stakeholders, it is important to tackle these issues throughout the value chain.

ROHM Group believes that the linking of business activities to these SDGs will lead to the realization of CSV, which is value common to both society and the company. In order to make CSV a reality and to advance the company and society, we arrange opportunities for dialogue with various stakeholders globally and define sustainability priority issues for ROHM Group so that we can actively contribute to the creation of a sustainable society through our business activities.

SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals)

Sustainability Management System

ROHM Group has established the following management system to promote initiatives related to sustainability issues. Specifically, it consists of the Board of Directors, the Sustainability Management Committee, the EHSS General Committee, and eight management systems under the EHSS General Committee. The Board of Directors works in conjunction with the Sustainability Management Committee to discuss sustainability-related policies, directions, and long-term targets. Furthermore, the Board of Directors incorporates the decisions made into the EHSS General Committee and supervises whether activities are being carried out to achieve these targets.

The EHSS General Committee consists of directors with executive authority, corporate officers with equivalent authority, business unit managers, and managers responsible for each management system. The EHSS General Committee oversees the eight subordinate management systems (Risk Management, Supply Chain, Labor, Ethics, Safety and Health, Environment, Information, and Quality), and regularly checks whether the PDCA cycle for each system is properly implemented. The results are reported to and discussed with the Board of Directors as appropriate. The Corporate Sustainability Department, which is the secretariat of the EHSS General Committee, oversees the EHSS management systems and is responsible for maintaining and improving the accuracy of sustainability management by checking whether each management system is being properly implemented through internal audits and other means.
In FY2023, the Sustainability Management Committee met once a month to discuss sustainability issues such as TCFD, governance enhancement measures, and indicators related to human capital.

CSR Management System

Based on the above Sustainability Management System, ROHM Group has obtained management system certification by implementing the PDCA cycle in cooperation with each specialized subcommittee, relevant in-house departments, and group companies.
Through these activities, we aim to further improve our "company quality" and become a company of choice for our stakeholders.

Management System Assurance & Operation Status

Themes Management System Certification/Customer Demands
Product Quality Quality ISO 9001
Quality/Functional Safety for the Industrial/Automotive Industry ISO/TS 16949
IATF 16949
ISO 26262
Management Quality (Quality of Business Activities) Environment ISO 14001
Occupational Health and Safety ISO 45001
Information security ISO/IEC 27001
Labor, Health and Safety, Environmental, Ethics, Management Systems RBA※1VAP audit※2

1 RBA(Responsible Business Alliance) Code of Conduct is a set of social, environmental and ethical industry standards. The standards set out in the Code of Conduct reference international norms and standards including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO International Labor Standards, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, ISO and SA standards, and many more. While the Code of Conduct originated with the electronics industry in mind, it is applicable to and used by many industries beyond electronics.

2 VAP stands for Validate Audit Process. This is a third-party Audit of RBA Code of Conduct.



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