ComplianceBusiness Foundation
- Our Basic Policy
- ROHM Group Basic Ethics Policy
- ROHM Group Business Conduct Guidelines
- Promotional System
- Management and Audit of Public Research Funds and Prevention of Misconduct in Research Activities
- Education and Training
- Comprehensive Anti-Corruption (Bribery Prevention) Measures
- Whistleblowing System
Our Basic Policy
ROHM Group has conducted our business observing the laws, business ethics and in-house rules in order to continue to gain the trust of various stakeholders as a company in compliance with the laws.
ROHM Group has the awareness and responsibility that "the company is a public institution of society" and establishes a system for compliance in accordance with "ROHM Group Basic Ethics Policy" and "ROHM Group Business Conduct Guidelines" to prevent the risk of legal and corporate ethics violations. We are committed to thorough management.
ROHM Group Basic Ethics Policy
"Respect for International Standards, and Compliance with Laws, Business Ethics, and in-house rules"
ROHM Group will conduct its business observing the laws, business ethics, and in-house rules in order to continue to gain the trust of various stakeholders as a company in compliance with the laws. The Group will also, in line with the globalization of business activities, respect international standards of conduct.
1. Conduct guidelines:
ROHM Group shall act as specified below in accordance with the basic policy.
1.1 Fair action:
ROHM Group recognizes that a corporation is a public entity of society and responsible for acting honestly and fairly at all times based on social common sense and the awareness that each individual employee represents the Company.
1.2 Compliance with laws and regulations, and business ethics:
ROHM Group shall always conduct business activities in good faith and with a law-abiding spirit and solid understanding of ethics. The Group shall strive to constantly collect the related laws and regulations of each country and other information needed for business activities, and to gain a better understanding thereof. In addition, the Group shall establish in-house rules corresponding to the related laws and regulations, and strive to ensure the full awareness of and compliance with those in-house rules.
1.3 Prohibition of Personal Conflicts of Interest:
We prohibit any conduct that creates or may create a conflict of interest between the Company and any individual.
1.4 Compliance hotline and whistle-blower protection:
ROHM Group shall, by following the provisions of in-house rules, establish a contact point (e.g. compliance hotline) to which Group employees may report business activities that they suspect may be in violation of related laws and regulations or business ethics. Furthermore, in the event of any violation or suspected of any conflict-of-interest transactions, ROHM Group shall immediately implement corrective action to prevent the occurrence or recurrence of the foregoing act, and shall strictly deal with the violation. In addition, the Group shall not subject persons or groups who deny any violations and who report violations or suspected violations to disadvantageous treatment, on the grounds of such reporting.
1.5 Prevention of bribery and corruption:
ROHM Group shall, by following the provisions of in-house rules and agreeing with the spirit of corruption prevention required by international standards of conduct, commit no act for the purpose of or that may be suspected of not bribing governmental agencies or officers or employees thereof, or politicians of any country, in order to continue transparent and honest business activities. Any corruption, extortion and embezzlement are also strictly prohibited.
1.6 Prohibition of excessive business entertainment:
ROHM Group shall observe the provisions of in-house rules by not giving any gifts or providing any food, drink, or other economic benefits that are socially unacceptable. Furthermore, the Group shall be most cautious with any offers of entertainment and/or gifts from suppliers, and shall not accept any personal benefits, based on the clearly established policies and monitoring procedures of each country and region.
1.7 Disclosure of information:
ROHM Group shall disclose to stakeholders not only information in accordance with related laws and regulations, but also information on social connections of the Group, including company missions and policies, business activities, and social contribution activities in a positive, fair, appropriate, and timely manner.
1.8 Intellectual property rights:
ROHM Group shall strive to enhance its corporate value by upgrading technologies unique to each individual division and appropriately acquiring and using the rights to the Group's own intellectual properties. In addition, the Group shall respect and shall not use the intellectual property rights of third parties without permission, nor abuse the Group's own rights.
1.9 Implementation of fair business activities:
In expanding business on a global scale, ROHM Group shall observe the provisions of in-house rules and respect free market competition as a part of conducting fair business activities. The Group shall comply with related laws and regulations, social ethics, and contract provisions, and shall not pursue an increase in sales or income by means contrary thereto. The Group shall not conduct any transactions that violate related laws and regulations, social ethics, and/or contract provisions, including agreements that restrict competition with other companies in the same trade (i.e., cartelling), bid rigging, fictitious transactions, and selling price restrictions. Furthermore, the Group shall comply with import/export-related laws and regulations for the peace and safety of the international community.
1.10 Fair and appropriate expression:
ROHM Group shall use fair and appropriate expressions in public relations and advertising activities in compliance with related laws and regulations and based on the facts at all times. In addition, the Group shall observe public order and morality, and shall not use any unjust expressions that constitute false information, slander, social discrimination, or infringement of human rights.
1.11 Non-use of conflict minerals:
In the interesting of protecting human rights, ROHM Group shall not use in products any conflict minerals that have helped to finance armed groups that have conducted inhumane acts in conflict regions.
1.12 Confidential and personal information management:
ROHM Group shall strive to thoroughly manage the Group's confidential information obtained in the course of business activities, any third parties' confidential information acquired through business partnerships, information related to the privacy of concerned persons, and personal information, in accordance with the provisions of in-house rules.
1.13 Fair accounting and disclosure:
ROHM Group shall appropriately record and report information based on fair accounting practices and facts, and shall properly make tax payments in accordance with related laws and regulations. The Group shall takeinto account the interests of all stakeholders and respect the positions thereof, in order to build and enhance relations of mutual trust through the disclosure of information.
2. Management System:
ROHM Group shall build a management system to observe this Ethics Policy and work on the continual improvement of this Policy. The management system shall be designed to ensure compliance with applicable international standards of conduct and related laws and regulations, and the identification and mitigation of operational risks related to this Policy.
2.1 Responsibility:
ROHM Group shall operate the management system in accordance with the Labor Policy approved by top management as provided for in-house rules.
2.2 Identification of representative:
ROHM Group shall identify an internal representative responsible for ensuring implementation of the management system and related items, and the top management shall carry out periodic reviews of the status of the management system.
2.3 Statutory and customer requirements:
ROHM Group shall define the procedures for identifying, monitoring, and understanding international standards of conduct, related laws and regulations, and customer requirements.
2.4 Risk assessment and management:
ROHM Group shall define the procedures for identifying risks involved in the Group's business activities, determining the relative significance of each risk, managing the identified risks, and complying with related laws and regulations.
2.5 Improvement objectives:
ROHM Group shall define improvement objectives and implementation plans, and periodically assess and review the achievement of those objectives, in order to fulfill its social responsibilities.
2.6 Training:
ROHM Group shall provide training to employees to implement the improvement objectives in accordance with the Ethics Policy, and to meet requirements of international standards of conduct and related laws and regulations, as well as customer requirements.
2.7 Communication:
ROHM Group shall define the procedures for communicating this Ethics Policy, improvement objectives, and the assessment of the achievement thereof to employees, suppliers, and customers in an accurate and understandable way.
2.8 Feedback and participation of employees:
ROHM Group shall define the procedures for assessing employee comprehension of matters provided for in this Ethics Policy, obtaining employees feedback effectively, and making sustained improvements to this Policy based on those assessment results.
2.9 Audit and assessment:
ROHM Group shall conduct periodic self-assessments to ensure conformity to international standards of conduct, related laws and regulations, and customer requirements.
2.10 Corrective and preventive actions:
ROHM Group shall define procedures for correcting and preventing within an appropriate period of time the recurrence of defects/inadequacies detected in the course of internal or external audits.
2.11 Documentation and records:
ROHM Group shall create and retain records related to the management system in accordance with the provisions of in-house rules and related regulations.
2.12 Supplier responsibility:
ROHM Group shall define procedures for communicating requirements provided for in this Ethics Policy to suppliers and monitoring the compliance of the suppliers with this Policy.
ROHM Group Business Conduct Guidelines
ROHM Group translates its Business Conduct Guidelines, which clarify basic ethical rules that must be observed in daily business activities, into seven languages and promotes their use at all group companies. In addition, opportunities for employee education at the company, such as workshops and legal e-learning, along with awareness-raising activities are offered to increase and ensure compliance.

Promotional System
ROHM Group monitors the status of newly enacted or revised laws and regulations as appropriate. This enables the Group to appropriately respond to and develop new items that need to be complied with, thereby preventing the risk of legal violations. In addition to compliance with laws and regulations, the Compliance Committee takes the lead in establishing and operating an ethics management system to promote compliance with corporate ethics.
Compliance Committee is a subordinate organization of EHSS General Committee*, in which directors with executive authority and divisional managers participate, and is responsible for appropriately managing the risk of legal and ethical violations within ROHM Group.
Compliance Committee is chaired by the Ethics Management Officer, with the relevant
department heads serving as committee members, and the Audit and Supervisory Committee Member and the
General Manager of Internal Audit Divison attending committee meetings as observers. The subordinate
organization has a subcommittee dedicated to the "establishment and maintenance of a compliance system
(legal investigation, education, establishment and operation of a consultation service, etc.)," which
manages the risk of legal and ethical violations in cooperation with the Legal & Intellectual Property
Division, which serves as the secretariat of the committee.
In addition, each specialized subcommittee formulates targets, measures, and evaluations for each theme, and
reports the progress and results to the Compliance Committee on a regular basis. The EHSS General Committee
also evaluates and confirms that the PDCA cycle of the Compliance Management System is properly implemented,
and reports and consults with the Board of Directors as necessary, and checks that a system is in place to
maintain and improve the accuracy of the management system. The Board of Directors works in conjunction with
the Sustainability Management Committee to discuss sustainability-related policies, directions, and
long-term targets, and incorporates the decisions made into the EHSS General Committee and supervises
whether activities are being carried out to achieve these targets. Under this system, we identify serious
issues related to laws, regulations, and corporate ethics, and promote and strengthen compliance through
appropriate measures, internal and external audits, and continuous improvement.
EHSS General Committee: A committee composed of the executive officers of management that oversees the eight lower management systems (environment, health and safety, labor, ethics, information, supply chain, quality, and risk management BCM) and ensures that the PDCA cycle for each is properly implemented.

Management and Audit of Public Research Funds and Prevention of Misconduct in Research Activities
ROHM will properly manage and administer public research funds under the following responsibility system to prevent misconduct in research activities.
Responsibility System at ROHM
Top Management | Chief Management | A Person in Charge of Compliance | |
A person in charge | President | Director in charge of Research & Development | Reader of research and development division using Public Research funds |
Role | Person who take the final responsibility for conducting and managing of Public Research funds | Person who support a person is in charge of top management and have the responsibility and authority. for managing all of research institutes | In research division, person who has a practical responsibility and authority for conducting and managing the Public Research funds |
Hotline for Consultation and Reporting Regarding Management and Administration of Public Research Funds and Prevention of Misconduct in Research Activities (Internal and external)
[Contact by Mail]
Consultation and Reporting Desk for Research Fairness
※・The above consultation/reporting hotline service is available only for consultation and reporting of misuse of public research funds and misconduct in research activities.
- ・Consultation and reporting can be made anonymously.
- ・The privacy and personal information of the person consulting or reporting will be treated as confidential and strictly controlled.
- ・We will not accept any consultation or report that is slanderous or defamatory of others, false, or baseless.
- ・We will confirm the facts of the reported matter and take appropriate action.
- ・Except in cases where it is found that the report was made with malicious intent, no disadvantageous treatment will be inflicted on the person who consulted or reported the matter for the reason of consultation or reporting.
- ・The personal information provided will be used for the following purposes
- ・To investigate and correct the situation based on the consultation or report.
- ・To contact the person who has consulted with us or reported to us
- ・The personal information provided by you will be handled in accordance with the " Privacy Policy " posted separately. Please read and agree to the Privacy Policy before consulting or reporting.
Purpose of Use and Handling of Personal Information
Education and Training
In order to comply with and thoroughly enforce business ethics, it is important to raise the level of
compliance literacy of each employee. ROHM Group have conducted regular training sessions on themes
related to compliance and internal education and enlightenment activities such as legal e-learning in
order to spread and raise awareness of compliance.
Also we have been providing training for management (directors), department heads, leader classes, and new
employees at each level according to their level of compliance. Our aim is for employees at each level to
gain an understanding and knowledge of the rules to be followed.
General Education (FY2023 Result)
Education or Training | Theme and Objective | Subject | Number of Participants | Participation Rate (%) |
E-learning on Compliance (Labor and Ethics) |
Acquire knowledge of compliance (competition law compliance, anti-bribery, compliance hotline, privacy protection, etc.) | ROHM All employees | 3,941 | 98.5 |
Legal Seminars for Executives | Board members' duty of care, duty to supervise, and duty to establish internal control systems | Internal Director and Full-time Audit Committee Member of ROHM | 7 | 100 |
Compliance training by level and role | Acquire compliance knowledge required for each level and group leadership position | New hires and promoted employees | 475 | 100 |
Compliance Education | Mastering the concept of compliance and matters to be complied with | All ROHM Group employees | 24,241 | 98.4 |
General Education (FY2023 Result)
Education required for specific departments
Education or Training | Theme and Objective | Subject | Method of Execution | Number of Participants・Participation Rate |
E-learning on precautions for exchanging information with competitors | information with competitors Preventing violations and reducing the risk of suspected violations through a better understanding of what information should not be exchanged with competitors | All department heads and all employees of sales departments | Video viewing and response to post-course questionnaire | 747/747 (100%) |
In addition to the above education and training, ROHM creates and distributes to its employees the
“LEGAL Guide Book,” which explains legal knowledge in an easy-to-understand manner in order to prevent
unlawful violation of laws and regulations.
This guidebook focuses on laws related to business activities, such as insider trading, management of
confidential information, and bribery, and you can always check the items related to your business. In
addition, since it is also used when facing legal issues or when conducting compliance education
within a department, it is an effective tool that can be connected to each individual's awareness of
legal compliance and actions.

Comprehensive Anti-Corruption
(Bribery Prevention) Measures
ROHM Group established Regulation on Prevention of Bribery, Donations and Advertising Sponsorship Regulations and Regulations on Procedures for Client Dinners, and aims to eliminate corruption in all affiliated companies in Japan and overseas. In addition to conducting bribery prevention briefings in level-based training courses and e-learning for all employees at ROHM Head Office.
Whistleblowing System
ROHM has established a Compliance Hotline, which is operated by an external law firm, to receive reports
and consultations* from all employees, including non-regular employees, regarding compliance violations in
the ROHM Group in Japan. In addition to the compliance hotlines established at each overseas affiliate,
ROHM has also established a global compliance hotline for reporting to the head office any misconduct or
potential misconduct by officers.
In order to properly operate this system, ROHM Group has established internal regulations to ensure that
whistleblowers and information obtained through investigations are kept strictly confidential, and that
those who report or consult with us are not subjected to any disadvantageous treatment because of their
reporting. In addition, internal training is periodically provided to employees who are engaged in
handling the compliance hotline.In addition, by distributing “ROHM Compliance Card” and raising awareness
of the reception desk through bulletin boards and in-house training, we are working to promptly grasp risk
information such as violations and respond swiftly and appropriately.
The compliance hotline reception and response flow is shown in the diagram below. After the report is
received by the law office, it is reported and actions are taken as appropriate.
In FY2023 (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024), we received 86 reports.
Compliance Hotline Reception and Response Flow

In the event of a report concerning a ROHM director or a member of Legal & Intellectual Property Division, the law firm will report the matter to Audit and Supervisory Committee Member, who will take appropriate action.
ROHM Compliance Card
We distribute the following ROHM Compliance Card to ROHM employees, which describes the items of compliance that each ROHM employee must comply with. In addition, this card also contains information on the law firm, which is the contact point for reporting, so that all employees can consult and report on compliance at any time.

- ①We shall conduct fair business transactions.
- ②We shall not trade with antisocial forces.
- ③We shall keep corporate confidentiality and protect personal information.
- ④We do not offer price cartels or bribes.
- ⑤We shall respect intellectual property rights.
- ⑥We shall not conduct insider trading.
- ⑦We shall conduct development, production, and sales activities with quality as our first priority.
- ⑧We shall comply with other laws and regulations.
In addition to the internal hotline described above, we have also established a compliance hotline for our business partners.