Environmental ManagementSustainability Initiative
Our Basic Policy
To be in harmony with the natural environment refers to a state in which there is a good balance between economic activities and the regenerative and purification abilities of nature. Business activities based on this idea are the activities for the achievement of a sustainable society.
ROHM Group will continue to undertake the conservation of the global environment through eco-friendly products, the reduction of the environmental impact of its production activities, the effective utilization of resources and other green initiatives.
Environmental Policy
We shall always give due consideration to the conservation of the global environment and contribute to the healthy existence of humankind and the permanent prosperity of the company.
- 1. In order to realize a sustainable society, we engage in environmental conservation activities while promoting the effective use of resources, and taking into consideration the prevention of environmental pollution and biodiversity
- 2. In order to improve our environmental performance, we ensure the operation of a series of environmental management systems for setting environmental targets, carrying out implementation plans, monitoring and evaluating our environmental performance, and continuously improve our issues.
- 3. We contribute to the solution and alleviation of social issues such as environmental problems by developing environmentally friendly products that help our customers save energy and miniaturize their products.
- 4. In order to pursue the minimization of environmental impact through a series of business activities from development to procurement, production, distribution, and sales, we make effective use of energy, raw materials, and water resources while reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, wastes, and water as well as ensuring management of chemical substances contained in materials and sub-materials.
- 5. We strive to nurture employees who care about the living environment and the global environment, and to educate all concerned.
- 6. We comply with domestic and international environmental laws and regulations, regional agreements, and the customer requirements to which we have agreed.
- 7. We appropriately disclose environmental information and contribute to the local environment, and work in partnership and collaborate with stakeholders.
June 19, 2023
ROHM Co., Ltd.
Executive Officer, Module Business Unit Director
Tetsuhiro Tanabe
(Environmental Management Supervisor, ROHM Group Top Environmental Management)
The Environmental Policy has been approved by the corporate officer in charge of environmental management and afterwards by the Board of Directors.
The ROHM Group Environmental Vision 2050
The international community and the governments have issued strong guidelines for a carbon-free society, such as the Paris Agreement that states that the average global temperature rise should be kept below 2 ℃ above the pre-industrial levels, and the 2050 Carbon Neutral. Looking at society, problems such as climate change, resource depletion, and biodiversity loss are becoming more serious. Planetary boundaries that objectively assess the impact of human activities on the Earth's system show that climate change, biodiversity loss, and chemical pollution go beyond acceptable levels. It is clear that the negative impact of economic activities on the planet has already reached levels that threaten the safety of human society.
ROHM has been promoting the reduction of environmental impact through its business activities and products in accordance with its corporate philosophy and environmental policy.
Based on the above situation, we set up the ROHM Group Environmental Vision 2050 in 2021 in order to make a strong commitment to pass on the global environment to the next generation in a better condition. We have set three important themes - climate change, resource recycling and coexistence with nature, and have also formulated the "2030 target", which is an intermediate step.
Climate Change
Climate change is one of the most important social issues that the global society is facing. The Paris Agreement requires to keep the global average temperature increase well below 2 ℃ above the pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 ℃.
At the same time, balancing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and absorption in the second half of this century to realize a carbon-free society is also an important theme for companies. To realize a carbon-free and low-carbon society, the role of semiconductors, ROHM's main product, is becoming increasingly important, and the efficiency improvement of motors and power sources, which are said to account for most of the world's electricity consumption, is a major mission for ROHM.
In addition to contributing through these products, it is also important to reduce the environmental impact of all business activities such as the production process.
ROHM recognizes climate change countermeasures as an important management issue, and will work to build an environment-friendly business structure by promoting energy conservation and the introduction of renewable energy in all business activities.
Resource Recycling
Mineral resources, which are also raw materials for semiconductors, are used in a wide variety of fields such as communication equipment and precision machinery and are indispensable for human life. Due to the remarkable progress of society, the mining and use of these resources has continued to expand rapidly in the last 40 years, and the material footprint per capita in the world increased from 8.26 tons in 2000 to 12.18 tons in 2017. We are facing the problem of exhaustion. Some resources will be mined and used up in less than 100 years. Therefore, effective use of resources and resource conservation are important issues for ROHM's business activities. Water, one of the natural capitals, is also the most important resource for our corporate activities. As global warming progresses, there are concerns about procurement risks due to droughts and the seriousness of disasters caused by floods around the world. If effective measures are not taken, the supply and demand for freshwater resources is expected to become increasingly tight. Recognizing the impact of business activities on the environment, ROHM is working on resource recycling as much as possible, reducing waste and improving water recycling rates in order to reduce the waste of limited resources throughout its business activities.
Coexistence with Nature
Biodiversity is a source of various resources for us people, such as food, lumber for paper and building materials, water, and the atmosphere. At COP25 (25th Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change) held in December 2019 to discuss measures to prevent global warming, it was reported that about 20,000 species of wild animals had become extinct during about 20 years from 2000. If no action is taken and ecosystems continue to be lost due to deforestation, environmental pollution by chemical substances, and global warming, it is expected to have many negative effects, including floods, droughts, poor food harvests, poor fishing and worsening climate change. ROHM aims to be in harmony with the natural environment, deeply recognizing that we are blessed by the biodiversity of the Earth. Specifically, we will thoroughly manage product chemical substances and carry out biodiversity conservation activities throughout the Group to promote the creation of a global environment that will be passed on to the next generation.
In order to accelerate our efforts to realize the above vision, ROHM is also participating in international environmental initiatives. Toward 2050, the target year, ROHM will make steady progress toward the goal while setting mid-term environmental targets in stages.
Promotional System
ROHM Group has been working to continuously improve environmental issues by establishing and operating an
environmental management system across the entire Group based on ISO 14001 international standard for
environmental management systems.
The efforts are led by an Environmental Conservation Management Committee established at ROHM Head Office, which
manages the environmental impact of ROHM products, activities, and services, and recommends any points for
improvement found in separate internal audits of ROHM sites horizontally to the other Group companies.
The Environmental Conservation Management Committee is a subordinate organization to the EHSS General Committee*, which is composed of directors and divisional managers with executive authority, and is responsible for the appropriate management of serious environmental risks within ROHM Group.
The Environmental Conservation Management Committee is chaired by an executive officer, and its specialized subcommittees are working on various themes, such as climate change, effective use of resources, chemical substance management and biodiversity conservation, manage environmental risks in cooperation with the Environmental Management Department, which serves as the secretariat. Each specialized sub-committee formulates goals, measures and evaluations for each topic and regularly reports progress and results to the Environmental Conservation Management Committee. The EHSS General Committee also evaluates and confirms that the PDCA cycle of the Environmental Conservation Management Committee is properly implemented, and reports and consults with the Board of Directors as necessary, and checks that a system is in place to maintain and improve the accuracy of the management system. The Board of Directors works in conjunction with the Sustainability Management Committee to discuss sustainability-related policies, directions, and long-term targets, and incorporates the decisions made into the EHSS General Committee and supervises whether activities are being carried out to achieve these targets.
All Japanese Group companies and ROHM KOREA have obtained an integrated ISO14001 certification and overseas manufacturing sites have individually obtained external certifications.
Scope of Application of the Environmental Management System
EHSS (Environment, Health and Safety, Sustainability) General Committee:
A committee composed of the executive officers of management that oversees the eight lower management systems
(Risk Management BCM, Supply Chain, Labor, Ethics, Health and Safety, Environment, Information, Quality) and
ensures that the PDCA cycle for each is properly implemented.
ROHM Environmental Management Promotional Structure
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