

Targets and ResultsEnvironmental Management


2030 Medium-term Environmental Targets and Single-year Results

2030 Medium-term Environmental Targets are set for each of the three priority issues of climate change, resource recycling, and coexistence with nature set forth in the the ROHM Group Environmental Vision 2050. We also received a certification of greenhouse gas reduction items based on scientific evidence (SBT = Science Based Targets).

Evaluation basis 〇: Goal achieved or on track △: Targets not achieved during the course of efforts ×: Insufficient effort

Theme Policy for Achieving Environmental Vision 2030 Medium-term Environmental Targets Target for 2022 FY2022 Actual Evaluation Target for 2023
Climate Change

Consider measures against "Climate Change" to be an important indicator of the effectiveness of our sustainability efforts. Aim to achieve virtually zero CO₂ emissions from our business activities by FY2050.

Climate Change Measures

[Greenhouse gas emissions]
・Reduce by 50.5% or more in FY2030 compared to FY2018 results
・Aim zero emissions by 2050
Reduction by 2.5% or more from FY2021 results Reduction by 18.0% from FY2021 results Reduction by 15.0% or more from FY2022 results
Reduction by at least 7.1% from FY 2018 results Reduction by 21.8% from FY 2018 results Reduction by 34.0% or more from FY 2018 results
[Greenhouse gas emissions per unit of production]
・Reduce GHG emissions by 45.0% or more in FY2030 compared to FY2018
Reduction by 15.0% or more from FY2021 results Reduction by 27.0% from FY2021 results Reduction by 14.0% or more from FY2022 results
Reduction by more than 28.5% from FY 2018 results Reduction by 38.6% from FY 2018 results Reduction by 47.2% or more from FY 2018 results
[Percentage of environmentally friendly products developed]
・Maintain 100%
Maintain 100% Maintained 100% Maintain 100%
Resource Recycling

Work to maximize resource recycling in order to eliminate the waste of limited resources through a series of business activities from development to procurement, production, and sales.

Resource Recycling Activities

[Recycling rate]
・Maintain zero emissions on a consolidated basis in Japan
・Aim for 97.0% or more on an overseas consolidated basis
・Aim for zero emissions on a consolidated basis in Japan and overseas
Domestic consolidated: Zero emissions
Overseas consolidated: 94.5% or more
Domestic and overseas consolidated: 97.0% or more
Domestic consolidated: Zero emissions
Overseas consolidated: 95.9%
Domestic and overseas consolidated: 98.5%
Domestic consolidated: Zero emissions
Overseas consolidated: 95.0% or more
Domestic and overseas consolidated: 98.0% or more
[Waste emissions per unit production at front-end plants]
・Reduce by 10.0% or more from FY2019 results
Reduction by at least 8.0% from FY2021 results Reduction by 11.0% from FY2021 results Reduction by 9.0% or more from FY2022 results
Reduction by at least 0.5% from FY2019 results Reduction by 3.7% from FY2019 results Reduction by 12.4% or more from FY2019 results
[Per-unit waste emissions from back-end process plants]
・Reduce by 20.0% or more from FY2019 results
Maintain FY2021 results Reduction by 5.0% from FY2021 results Maintain FY2022 results
3.6% increase over FY2019 results Reduction by 1.5% from FY2019 results Reduction by 1.5% or more from FY2019 results
[Water recovery and reuse rate]
・Improve by at least 5.5% over FY2019 results
Water recovery and reuse rate: 35.0% or more Water recovery and reuse rate:36.7% Water recovery and reuse rate: 37.7% or higher
0.5% increase from FY2019 results 1.2% improvement over FY2019 results 2.2% improvement over FY2019 results
Coexistence with Nature

Cherish the blessings of nature created by the biodiversity of the earth and pass on the global environment in a better state to future generations.

Coexistence with Nature Activities

Promoting the creation of a global environment that can be passed on to future generations through the implementation of biodiversity conservation activities ・Development of biodiversity conservation performance indicators
・Implementation of environmental events
・Consideration and promotion of expansion of activities at the group level and in cooperation with local communities
・Establishment of a subcommittee specializing in "Symbiosis with Nature" within the Environmental Management System
・Gathering information for the development of performance indicators
・Environmental events held (3)
・Signed cooperation agreements with municipalities where our business bases are located
・Establishment of performance indicators for biodiversity conservation
・Further promotion of biodiversity conservation efforts
Thorough management of chemical substances in products Surely grasp the trends of laws and regulations and respond to new risks. Grasp regulations (RoHS, REACH, TSCA, etc.) that need to be addressed based on various regulatory trends, incorporate them into standards documents, and disseminate information to related divisions. Identify applicable laws and regulations and ensure compliance and control
Extract subjects in management of chemical substances in products and take its countermeasures. Continuously conduct surveys on the inclusion of PFAS and other chemical substances that are expected to be subject to stricter regulations. Strengthen the internal management system by closely sharing information with relevant parties
Consider unified management of chemical substances Examine approaches to solving issues, including the effectiveness of introducing a chemical substance database as a risk reduction measure for product chemical substance management Thoroughly manage controlled substances with suppliers



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