

Ensuring the Health and Safety of EmployeesHuman Capital Management


Our Basic Policy

ROHM Group believes that it is important to protect the lives and human rights of employees by realizing a workplace where all employees and stakeholders involved in the work can work safely and physically and mentally. In addition, ensuring a safe, safe and hygienic workplace is indispensable for creating an environment in which each employee is rewarding and can make the most of their abilities.

ROHM Group operates an occupational health and safety management system with the aim of creating a safe and healthy workplace. Based on the following health and safety policies, we set goals and manage safety and health issues related to ROHM Group's business activities, and make group-wide efforts for continuous improvement.

Occupational Health & Safety Policy

In accordance with the CSR policy, ROHM Group consider safety and health the top priority in our business activities, thereby proactively work to comfortable work environment without worries as well as preserve and promote our physical and mental health.

  • 1. We comply with health and safety laws and their related regulations, other requirements, and our company's rules.
  • 2. We prevent occupational accidents by implementing managerial measures based on the identification of hazard sources in our workplace and their severity via risk assessment.
  • 3. We pursue highly-ranked awareness by systematic education, training, and other things concerning health and safety. Additionally we strive to prevent injuries, physical and mental illnesses by promoting the creation of a comfortable workplace through energized, voluntary activities.
  • 4. We design and operate the occupational health and safety management system through consultation with our workers and their involvement in decision-making.
  • 5. We carry out continuous improvement activities with full participation by setting the health and safety objectives and the action plan that are supported with adequate resources.

June 17, 2024
ROHM Co., Ltd.
Corporate Officer, AP Production Headquarters Director
Satoshi Fujitani
(General Health and Safety Manager, ROHM Group Occupational Health and Safety Top Management)

Becoming a Company of Well-being where everyone can work with vitality

Since its foundation, the ROHM Group has placed great importance on the health of its employees based on its company mission and basic management policies. In recent years, with the increasing risk of lifestyle-related diseases due to the rise in the average age of employees and the increasing number of people on leave due to mental health problems in the society, there is a need to protect the health and psychological safety of employees even more. For this reason, we have established in May 2023 the "Health and Productivity Management Declaration" with the aim of fostering a corporate culture in which employees can work with vigor and enthusiasm.

Well-being = Being physically, mentally, and socially healthy and content, and maintaining a good state of happiness in many areas

[ROHM Group Health and Productivity Management Declaration]

The ROHM Group focuses on power and analog solutions and solves social problems by contributing to our customers' needs for "energy savings" and “miniaturization" of their products. To achieve this goal, we must become a company where our employees can develop their humanity and intellect and where they can work with vigor and vitality. The foundation for this is to ensure that our employees remain healthy, both physically and mentally.

We declare that we will contribute to the sustainable development of society through our efforts to promote mental and physical health and to help each and every one of our employees achieve well-being.

Isao Matsumoto, President and Representative Director

Isao Matsumoto, President and Representative Director

Health and Safety Management Promotional System

ROHM Group has production bases around the world. We operate a management system based on ISO45001 to ensure the safe operation of our factories and the safety of our employees.

Based on the Safety and Health Policy, the Central Safety and Health Committee promotes safety and health activities to ensure the safety of all employees, maintain and promote their physical and mental health, and promote the creation of a comfortable work environment.
The Central Safety and Health Committee is established as a subordinate organization of the EHSS General Committee*, which is attended by directors with executive authority and division managers, and is responsible for the appropriate management of serious safety and health risks in ROHM Group.
The Central Safety and Health Committee is chaired by an executive officer, and six specialized subcommittees, which address various themes such as equipment, chemicals, and health promotion, manage safety and health risks in cooperation with the Proposed Health Management Office, which serves as the secretariat.
Each subcommittee formulates targets, measures, and evaluations for each theme, and reports progress and results to the Central Safety and Health Committee on a regular basis. The EHSS General Committee also evaluates and confirms that the PDCA cycle of the Central Health Committee is properly implemented, and reports and consults with the Board of Directors as necessary, and checks that a system is in place to maintain and improve the accuracy of the management system. The Board of Directors works in conjunction with the Sustainability Management Committee to discuss sustainability-related policies, directions, and long-term targets, and incorporates the decisions made into the EHSS General Committee and supervises whether activities are being carried out to achieve these targets.

EHSS General Committee: A committee composed of executive officers in charge of the eight lower management systems
(Risk Management BCM, Supply Chain, Labor, Ethics, Health and Safety, Environment, Information, Quality) to check whether the PDCA cycle for each system is appropriately implemented.

ROHM Group Health and Safety Management Promotional System

ROHM Group Health and Safety Management Promotional System

Medium-Term Targets and Achievements

ROHM has identified "ensuring the safety and health of employees" as one of the sustainability priority issues that are important for the sustainable growth of ROHM and society, and is working to achieve the target to be achieved by FY2025.
In addition, to further promote health management, we revised the FY2025 achievement target in FY2023.

Ensuring the Health and Safety of Employees
[Background and Challenges for Activities]
Accidents at work sites can threaten the lives of employees and affect business continuity. For this reason, ROHM Group believes that it is important to create a workplace in which all employees and stakeholders involved in business can work safely and protect the lives and human rights of employees. Furthermore, for every employee to be motivated and to maximize their abilities, it is necessary for employees to be healthy both physically and mentally.
Based on these concepts, ROHM Group recognizes that realizing safe, secure, and healthy workplaces is an important management issue, and will actively work to create a comfortable and secure workplace environment and to maintain and promote mental and physical health.
Theme Targets
(Target Year: FY2030)
Target for FY2023 FY2023 Results Target for FY2024
Securing a safe workplace Achieve and maintain "0" in the number of lost time accidents in ROHM Group "0" lost time injuries Number of accidents resulting in 4 or more days of absence: 5 Number of Serious accidents*: 0
*Cases in which it is judged that there is a possibility of death or physical loss or disability, and cases in which hospitalization is required.
Promotion of health management
  • 1. Establish a health management promotion system that unifies the ROHM Group
Promote health management at group companies in Japan [Group Consolidated]
Declaration of health and productivity management and policy deployment to domestic group companies
[Group Consolidated]
Set targets and implement initiatives to improve at least one of the Health Up Challenge 7*1 items at Group companies in Japan.
  • 2. Improvement of health through "Health Up Challenge 7" (65% or more of participants achieved 4 or more items)
Employees who achieved at least two of the three key items (sleep, stress, exercise) of the Health Up Challenge 7*1 improved by 10.0% or more compared to the previous year. The number of employees who achieved 2 or more of the 3 key items (sleep, stress, exercise) of the Health Up Challenge 7*1 improved by 12.6% (from 63.0% to 75.6%) compared to the previous year. Health Up Challenge 7*1 Improvement of Sleep and Exercise
Being well rested from sleep: 48.4% or more regular exercisers: 72.0% or more
  • 3. Improve presenteeism by improving physical and mental health
Promote health maintenance and initiatives to address presenteeism*2. Calculated labor productivity loss rate due to presenteeism*2 while implementing initiatives to maintain and promote health (36.2%) Improved the labor productivity loss rate due to presenteeism*2  from the previous year (below 36.2%)

1 Health Up Challenge 7: A program that aims to improve presenteeism and achieve well-being by having each person work to clear as many of the seven health-related items as possible: sleep, stress, exercise, diet, alcohol consumption, smoking cessation, and communication.

2 Presenteeism: a state of being at work but with reduced productivity due to mental or physical illness.

Occupational Incidence Rate and Severity

In 2023, the reported occupational incidence rate and severity rate of domestic ROHM Group are 0%, and we have been able to achieve zero occupational accidents. From now on, ROHM is continuing to work toward zero occupational accidents and work to create a safe and comfortable work environment for all employees.

Incidence Rate

Incidence Rate

Severity Rate

Severity Rate
  • ・Incidence Rate (Frequency of injury Occurrence) = Number of Casualties from Work-Related Injuries ÷ Total Labor Time × 1,000,000
  • ・Severity Rate (Severity of Disaster) = Total Number of Work Days Lost ÷ Total Labor Time × 1,000

Approach to Health

Health Management Promotional System

ROHM has identified the top management‘s declaration of health management, “Achieving wellbeing for each and every employee,” as one of the key issues for achieving the Mid-term Management Plan and, by extension, for ROHM’s sustainable growth. The top management of health management is led by the president, the health management officers are led by directors, and the top management of the Central Safety and Health Committee is led by the director in charge of safety and health. In addition, the Health Promotion Group of the Human Resources Department has been formed as the department in charge of health management. The Health Promotion Group collaborates with industrial physicians, occupational health staff, and related departments. Furthermore, as a subordinate organization of the Central Safety and Health Committee, a subcommittee specializing in health promotion has been formed, with members selected from a wide range of departments to plan and operate various measures for the maintenance and promotion of employee health. In order to achieve the ROHM Group's health and safety goals, the above organizations cooperate with each other to promote initiatives that lead to the deployment of information and health promotion to each workplace health and safety committee* and each department.

Rohm alone has 52 workplace committees.

Health Management Promotional System

Targets and Achievements

Theme Targets (Target Year: FY2030) Target for FY2023 FY2023 Results Target for FY2024
Promotion of health management
  • 1. Establish a health management promotion system that unifies the ROHM Group
Promote health management at group companies in Japan [Group Consolidated]
Declaration of health and productivity management and policy deployment to domestic group companies
[Group Consolidated]
Set targets and implement initiatives to improve at least one of the Health Up Challenge 7*1 items at Group companies in Japan.
  • 2. Improvement of health through "Health Up Challenge 7" (65% or more of participants achieved 4 or more items)
Employees who achieved at least two of the three key items (sleep, stress, exercise) of the Health Up Challenge 7*1 improved by 10.0% or more compared to the previous year. The number of employees who achieved 2 or more of the 3 key items (sleep, stress, exercise) of the Health Up Challenge 7*1 improved by 12.6% (from 63.0% to 75.6%) compared to the previous year. Health Up Challenge 7*1 Improvement of Sleep and Exercise
Being well rested from sleep: 48.4% or more regular exercisers: 72.0% or more
  • 3. Improve presenteeism by improving physical and mental health
Promote health maintenance and initiatives to address presenteeism*2. Calculated labor productivity loss rate due to presenteeism*2 while implementing initiatives to maintain and promote health (36.2%) Improved the labor productivity loss rate due to presenteeism*2 from the previous year (below 36.2%)

Initiatives to Promote Health and Productivity Management

1. ROHM Health Up Challenge 7

At ROHM, we call it "Health Up Challenge 7" and aim to realize well-being by helping each individual achieve as many of the seven items related to sleep, stress, exercise, eating habits, drinking, smoking cessation, and communication health as much as possible.

Initiatives to Promote Health and Productivity Management

1-1. Sleep Improvement Initiatives

Initiatives to improve sleep include holding seminars on sleep, holding sleep posture pressure measurement sessions, and regularly disseminating information. In addition, the Medical Affairs Office conducts screening tests for sleep apnea syndrome, and is close to employees' sleep concerns.

1-2.Stress Reduction Initiatives (Mental Health Measures)

ROHM has established an in-house clinic staffed by physicians and public health nurses, and has a structure in place for employees to consult and meet with physicians and public health nurses at any time regarding their mental and physical health issues. For employees who have been on leave due to mental illness, the "Return to Work Program" provides support for a smooth return to the workplace in cooperation with industrial physicians and personnel and labor affairs staff.
In addition, we have introduced an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through an external partner organization to create a structure in which employees and their families can feel free to consult with us. In addition to this support structure, we encourage employees to become aware of their own stress conditions through stress checks to reduce the risk of individual mental health problems, and based on the results of workplace analysis, we directly intervene in high-risk departments and provide feedback on the results to each department to help prevent mental health problems as a company. In addition, based on the results of workplace analysis, we directly intervene in high-risk departments and feed back the results to each department to prevent mental health problems.
In addition, online yoga seminars and mental health seminars (line care and self-care) are held to help employees maintain their mental and physical health.

1-3.Initiatives to Improve Exercise Habit

Initiatives to improve the number of employees who are regular exercisers include a walking campaign using a health app, online exercise seminars, walking meetings, and health events. In addition to company-wide activities, we also set priority health-related implementation goals at each workplace to maintain and improve the health of our members. We regularly monitor the transition of our employees' exercise habits, and achieved an exercise habit rate of 72% in FY 2023. In addition to various events, we also provide subsidies for sports club expenses. Group companies are also implementing initiatives to improve exercise habits, such as "No Elevator Day," which encourages employees to use the stairs instead of the elevator, walking seminars, and yoga point rallies.

1-4.Initiatives for dietary habits

Initiatives to improve dietary habits include holding nutrition education seminars and periodic fairs in collaboration with the employee cafeteria. Most recently, a yogurt seminar was held, and in conjunction with the seminar, a healthy menu using yogurt was offered on the cafeteria menu as a yogurt fair, and a recipe collection was provided.

1-5.Initiatives regarding alcohol consumption

We provide opportunities to learn about proper alcohol consumption by disseminating information on alcohol and holding seminars.

1-6.Initiatives against Smoking

ROHM has promoted anti-smoking activities as part of its efforts to promote employee health and create a comfortable workplace. ROHM has been a smoke-free company since 1998, and since 2009, all ROHM Group companies in Japan have banned smoking.
ROHM employees and employees of affiliated companies have been working to maintain and improve their health. In addition, ROHM has been disseminating information on the smoking cessation program, and is also implementing an initiative called "Marathon 42 Days for Smoking Cessation," in which employees are encouraged to take up the challenge of quitting smoking.

Initiatives regarding alcohol consumption

1-7.Communication Initiatives

ROHM places importance on dialogue, and holds communication seminars to facilitate workplace relationships,
ROHM actively conducts communication seminars to facilitate workplace relationships, as well as various roundtable discussions where people can talk frankly about their true feelings. We also use communication as a communication tool to invigorate organizations and teams.
We have also set up a "wai-gaya space" (using the open time in the company cafeteria) that can be used for relaxed meetings, exchanges, and interviews as one of the communication tools to revitalize the organization and teams,
This is one of the ways to create an open workplace and promote internal exchanges.

2.Measures to Prevent Lifestyle-related Diseases

The achievement of a 100% participation in regular health checks is natural for ROHM and we also implement measures to prevent lifestyle-related diseases based on the results of those health checks. This includes the implementation of health guidance for an expanded range of employees that includes those who are under 40 years old and not subject to the official "Specific Health Guidance". The follow-up on the results of the health checks is also strengthened for employees who have particular observations in their results. This includes the industrial physician and health staff recommending examinations at medical institutions and participation in health and exercise seminars.

In addition, to support the eating habits that tend to be disrupted by telecommuting, etc., we hold seminars to improve eating habits and introduce simple healthy recipes that can be prepared while working at home that were solicited from employees.

≪Changes in Those Who Received Health Guidance for Metabolic Syndrome (age:35-39)≫

Changes in Those Who Received Health Guidance for Metabolic Syndrome (age:35-39)

3.Health Support (Cancer Control, Care for Diseases Specific to Women)

In accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, ROHM has incorporated cervical and breast cancer screening into the company's regular health checkups as a measure against cancers specific to women of working age (20-50 years old) since fiscal 2019, so that female employees can safely examine and receive these examinations. As a result, the cancer screening uptake rate among eligible employees increased significantly from 58% in FY2018 to 95% in FY2019. Since then, all female employees who wish to continue using the company's cancer screening services have continued to do so. The company also encourages all employees to undergo cancer screening, and offers free gastric and colorectal cancer screenings to all employees aged 35 and older, and gynecological examinations to female employees of even-numbered ages.In May 2023, we launched the Cancer Workplace Support Consultation Office to help employees balance treatment and work so they can continue working even after being diagnosed with cancer. We are committed to creating a place where we can listen to employees' concerns and give detailed consideration to their needs.

4.Age-friendly Initiatives

ROHM is committed to age-friendliness throughout the company.
ROHM conducts physical function measurements and self-checks for middle-aged and older workers aged 55 and above, who are at high risk of occupational accidents, to provide them with opportunities to confirm the gap between their own perceptions and their physical functions. Again, we conduct Age Friendly Seminars to raise awareness among middle-aged and older workers to develop age-defying bodies. In addition to this , we also provide education to all employees and implement age-friendly initiatives according to the characteristics of each workplace.


ROHM believes that it is important that employees get exercise habit to prevent lifestyle-related diseases and work healthy. There, ROHM has set up a Health-Check Corner where employees can use various health-check devices and Fitness equipment free of charge. It includes a vascular age meter and the latest InBody model (body composition analyzer), blood pressure monitor and blood vessel age measuring instrument. ROHM regularly uses these devices to measure the health of employees. ROHM employees can also check their own health status at any time, including body fat percentage, muscle mass, and body water content, as well as basic metabolism, nutritional evaluation, and muscle mass by region.

Health Check Corner
Health Check Corner

5. Infection Control Measures

To protect the health of employees, a quarantine system against all infectious diseases is necessary. ROHM operates a designated infectious disease notification form that can be accessed by all employees who have contracted an infectious disease. In the event of an infectious disease outbreak, based on the details of the report, we have established a system that enables us to promptly select and isolate internal contacts and disinfect the workplace to prevent the spread of infection, in addition to a patient health observation system by in-house medical personnel.
In order to reduce contact between employees as much as possible in the event of an infectious disease outbreak, we have established a remote work system, control the attendance rate according to the situation, and prevent infection in common areas such as the cafeteria. In addition, the company is offering in-house influenza vaccinations to all employees who wish to receive them (approximately 80% of all employees) at the company's expense, includingthe coronavirus vaccine in fiscal year 2021.
In addition, for employees transferred overseas and their family members, we provide various travel vaccines recommended by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, depending on the circumstances in the destination country. Furthermore, from 2019, rubella antibody checks are incorporated into regular health checkups for male employees aged 39-57, and those who are antibody-negative are vaccinated free of charge at in-house clinics.

Group vaccinations conducted in-house
Group vaccinations conducted in-house

[ Voice of the Person in Charge ]

As stated in the top management's Health Management Declaration, the ROHM Group aims to realize well-being and foster a corporate culture in which employees can work with vigor and vitality. To achieve this, we believe it is important to realize a workplace where all employees can work vigorously and in good physical and mental health. I plan and operate various health promotion measures, such as yoga seminars, walking campaigns, walking meetings, sleep seminars, and age-friendly initiatives, to provide opportunities for employees to enjoy and participate in health promotion, so that they can continue to work in good health and vigor. We are striving to maintain and promote the health of our employees by providing opportunities for them to participate in health promotion while having fun at the same time. We will continue to actively promote health promotion activities with the aim of realizing "well-being" for each and every employee.

Human Resources Division                  Well-being Department Health Promotion & Welfare Group Group Leader Ruiko Matsumura
Human Resources Division
Well-being Department
Health Promotion & Welfare Group
Group Leader
Ruiko Matsumura


ROHM selected as a White 500 Company 2024 Seven years in a row

ROHM has been recognized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Japan Health Council as a "White 500 Company" (top 500 corporations) in the "Excellent Health and Productivity Management Corporation 2024 (Large Corporation Division)" for the seventh consecutive year since February 2018. Introduced in 2017, this White 500, the Certified Health and Management Organization Recognition Program, recognizes both large companies and small- and medium-sized enterprises for outstanding efforts in health and productivity management, by evaluating company's engagement with regional health problems and with health-building program recommended by Nippon Kenko Kaigi. Considering health to be one of the highest priorities, ROHM will continue to examine effective methods to improve all employee's well-being and work-life balance.


ROHM was recognized as a Sports Yell Company for the fourth consecutive year

This system certifies companies that are actively engaged in sports to promote the health of their employees, not limited to sports competitions, such as providing exercise opportunities such as gymnastics and stretching in the morning and during lunch breaks, encouraging the use of stairs, walking and bicycle commuting, and holding standing meetings. It was established by the Japan Sports Agency in 2017.
ROHM has been recognized for its activities to promote exercise throughout its business sites, and has been certified for four consecutive years since FY2020. In FY2024, ROHM was also certified + (plus), which is given to companies whose employees participate in sports at least once a week at least 70%, for achieving a rate of 72% or more who exercise habitually.


Awarded as an Excellent Company for Corporate Action to Promote Cancer Control.

Since July 2019, ROHM has been registered as a partner company promoting the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's "Cancer Control Promotion Company Action" and has been engaged in activities. Early detection and treatment of cancer is important for employees to continue working in good health. To date, we have provided opportunities for employees to learn more about cancer through in-house educational activities such as in-house seminars and e-learning, which has led to an increase in the cancer screening rate. In May 2023, we established the "Cancer Balance Support Counseling Office" with qualified in-house coordinators to provide support to employees and their families who are struggling to balance work and cancer or intractable diseases.In recognition of these activities, we have received an award for excellence in the promotion of cancer control for two consecutive years from 2022.

Certification of "White 500 Company 2022"
Certification of "White 500 Company 2022"

Approach to Safety

ROHM Group aims to achieve a safe and comfortable workplace for not only our employees but also everyone involved in business activities.
To achieve this, we have been operating a management system based on ISO45001 and have been working to manage and reduce the identified priority issues and risks in terms of health and safety. And ROHM inserted "Securing a safe workplace" in one of themes and settled on an achievement target in fiscal year 2025. We will promote initiatives aimed at creating a safe and secure workplace.

Targets and Achievements

Achievement Targets (FY2025) Target for FY2023 FY2023 Result Target for FY2024
Achieve and maintain the number of lost-time injuries at the ROHM Group of 0 "0" lost time injuries Number of accidents resulting in 4 or more days of absence: 5 Number of Serious accidents*: 0
*Cases in which it is judged that there is a possibility of death or physical loss or disability, and cases in which hospitalization is required.

Efforts aimed at a Safe Workplace

1.Safety Training

To promote a safe and secure workplace, we provide safety education to our employees. All employees receive introductory training when they join the company. After being assigned to a department, information shared by the Safety and Health Committee is deployed in each department once a month. Specifically, the factors that led to the occurrence of occupational accidents and the details of improvements are horizontally deployed, near-misses are reported, KYT activities are conducted, and revisions to the Health and Safety Law and company regulations are shared so that all employees can work to prevent occupational accidents from occurring. For employees in their second and third years with the company, regular education is provided, including a review, and when promoted, education is provided according to their new position.
Among our domestic plants, ROHM Hamamatsu has established an "Engineer Training Section" that specializes in training mainly equipment engineers. At the Engineer Academy, a facility specializing in training, dedicated in-house instructors provide education not only on specialized technologies, but also on safety management during work. The Engineer Academy was certified as a vocational training facility by Shizuoka Prefecture on March 29, 2023.

Engineer Academy (Technical Training)
Engineer Academy
(Technical Training)
Engineer Academy (Lecture)
Engineer Academy (Lecture)

2.Activities to Prevent Industrial Accidents

In accordance with ISO45001, we are continuously implementing activities to reduce health and safety risks by conducting risk assessment and KYT (risk prediction) activities, as well as identifying and improving near-miss items.
At our overseas plants, we provide training and guidance to employees who have been with the company for a short period of time so that communication on safety issues at the site is not diluted. At our overseas plants, we are also striving to maintain and improve mutual safety awareness and on-site capabilities while implementing mentor-mentee activities in which senior employees who have been with the company for a short period of time provide education and guidance to employees who have been with the company for a long time.

Share Remotely about Safety Issues
Share Remotely about Safety Issues
Risk Assessment and KY Activities
Risk Assessment and KYT Activities

3. Safety Confirmation of Group Locations

ROHM's Head Office conducts comprehensive health and safety audits with the aim of strengthening the operation of the health and safety management system and reducing risks. In FY2023, ROHM conducted safety inspections and discussions with local members at a total of seven manufacturing sites in Japan and overseas locations, and is proceeding with corrective measures and confirmation of identified risks and issues in a planned manner. We are systematically correcting and confirming risks and issues that have been identified.

During Audit
During Audit
During Audit
During Audit

4.Thorough Implementation of 5S

A workplace environment where nothing is unnecessary and employees can pick up "what they need" "when they need it" "where they need it" is not only efficient but also safe. We believe that these 5S* are the basis of the workplace environment, and we are implementing 5S not only in Japan but also at our overseas sites with the participation of all employees, from the top down.

5S means "sorting", "setting-in-order", "shining", "standardizing" and "sustaining the discipline".

5.Conducting Internal Patrols

Safety is fundamental to the use, management, and implementation of appropriate facilities, machinery, equipment, and operations by workers who are competent in health and safety and follow correct procedures. To ensure this, ROHM is working to identify and correct hazardous areas and unsafe work practices in the workplace through third-party patrols.In addition, by proactively having younger employees accompany the patrols, ROHM provides opportunities for them to develop an eye for detecting defects.In FY2023, we resumed on-site safety checks in areas where online checks and voluntary workplace patrols had been conducted only in the previous fiscal year due to the Corona disaster.

Internal patrols
Internal patrols

Patrol List

Patrol Purpose Frequency
Workplace patrol about health and safety* Workplace risk assessment by persons competent in health and safety At least once a month
Patrol by special committee* Checks to confirm the appropriate use and management of production equipment, chemical agents, fire extinguishing machinery and equipment, and other facilities At least once a month
Patrol by occupational health physician Checks to confirm health risks at the workplace as seen from the perspective of industrial physicians At least once a month

Each division has a person appointed to be in charge of health and safety. They participate in internal patrols each time to ensure that employees will share a common perception of safety.


Bicycle Parking Patrol: Confirmation of the Obeying Situation of the Traffic Rule

In order to ensure compliance with traffic rules not only for cars and motorcycles, but also for bicycles, we regularly conduct bicycle parking lot patrols and patrols with the cooperation of the police department. We are working to eliminate violations of laws and regulations such as umbrella-toting, using cell phones, wearing earphones, and riding on the right side of the road.

TOPIC. Bicycle Parking Patrol: Confirmation of the Obeying Situation of the Traffic Rule

6.Implementation of Safety and Health Managers' Meetings

ROHM Group regularly holds a meeting for the safety and health managers of each ROHM Group site in Japan. At these meetings, the safety and health targets of the ROHM Group and safety and health activities at each site are shared and opinions are exchanged to promote safety and health activities across the entire Group.

Implementation of Safety and Health Managers' Meetings

7. Health and Safety Activities with Contractors and on-site stationing companies

In order to realize a safe workplace for everyone involved in our business, we must protect the safety of not only our employees, but also the contractors and stationed companies (cafeteria, cleaning, etc.) who work together on our premises, and create a comfortable and secure work environment. The ROHM Group is cooperating with contractors and stationed companies that work on the premises to implement the following initiatives.

  • ・Conduct regular health and safety liaison meetings with contractors and resident companies
  • ・Regularly conduct safety and health patrols, industrial physician patrols, and site manager patrols.
  • ・Conduct fire extinguisher drills, earthquake evacuation drills, night evacuation drills for chemical and gas leaks.
  • ・Implemented KYT*, 5S activities, small group activities and proposal activities to improve a safe workplace.

    "KYT" is an acronym for "Kiken Yochi Training" in Japanese and means hazard prediction training. And this is a method to improve the ability to detect and solve risk factors such as danger and harm in work.

  • ・A chemical handling workshop is conducted (on-site or online)
Small-group activities
Small-group activities
Night Evacuation Training
Night Evacuation Training
Health and Safety Liaison Conference
Health and Safety Liaison Conference

8. Response to Occupational Accidents

When occupational accidents occur, the person in charge of occupational health and safety at the location where the accident occurred will immediately share the information with all relevant personnel in the ROHM Group. Not only the location where the accident occurred, but also related locations and head office personnel cooperate to confirm the circumstances of the accident, analyze the root cause, take measures to prevent recurrence, and horizontally disseminate the information to other locations.

[ Voice of the Person in Charge ]

Corporate Sustainability Division Environmental and Safety Promotion Department Safety & Health Group Head of Department Hiroko Ito

Corporate Sustainability Division
Environmental and Safety Promotion Department
Safety & Health Group
Head of Department
Hiroko Ito

ROHM is a manufacturer of semiconductor components, and many people, including employees and contractors stationed on our premises, are involved in delivering our products to society.In order for each and every employee to be able to engage in their work with a sense of fulfillment, I believe it is very important to realize a safe work environment for all employees and stakeholders involved in our business, and to protect human life.
Based on this belief, I am in charge of conducting general audits and patrols at all ROHM Group sites with the aim of reducing safety risks.
When we find a defect, we explain the reason for the defect and what it should be, and after convincing the on-site workers, we try to propose improvements to make the workplace environment safer.
We will continue to promote safety and health activities with the motto that everyone working for ROHM Group should return home in the same condition as when they arrived at work, without being injured.



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