ROHM Product Detail

Industry standard 0603 Size, Long life type,White LED

SMLD12WBN1W has a long life and the residual luminous rate exceeds 90% even after 1000 hours (under Ta=85℃,IF=20mA).

Product Detail

Part Number | SMLD12WBN1W1
Status | Recommended
Package | SMLD12
Packing Type | Taping
Unit Quantity | 3000
Minimum Package Quantity | 3000
RoHS | Yes
Product Longevity Program | 20 Years


Package Type


LED Type

Long Life


Home Appliance, Industrial Equipment, Helthcare, Amusement, Office Equipment, PC, Data Storage

Package size[mm]

1.6x0.8 (t=0.55)

Emitting color


Luminous Intensity(Single)(Typ.)[mcd]


Number of Brightness Rank


Chromaticity coordinates(x,y)

(0.295, 0.280)

Forward Voltage VF (Typ.) [V]


IF @ VF [mA]


Chip Structure


Power Dissipation [mW]


Operating Temperature[°C]

-40 to 100

Storage Temperature [°C]

-40 to 100

Find Similar


  • Long life exceeding 90% residual luminous rate even after 1,000hrs (Ta=85℃,IF=20mA)
  • 1608 (0603) size small package

Supporting Information


SMLD12WBN1W is a White chip LED with 1608 (1.6x0.8mm) size that achieves class-leading reliability. This new package offers superior mountability and long operational life, which makes it ideal for use in display panels (e.g. temperature control displays) in industrial and compact consumer equipment.

Key Features

High-reliability LEDs are required to guarantee no degradation in luminosity even with continuous operation for over 10 years. However, achieving this has not been possible until now due to the use of epoxy or silicone resins for molding of typical White chip LEDs. These types of material could not provide enough reliability to prevent degradation in luminosity or provide enough package strength to facilitate mounting on circuit boards.

ROHM has been providing 1608-size chip LEDs in colors ranging from Red to Green, and now it is adding White to this product range to meet market demand. The adoption of a new material that combines the benefits of epoxy and silicone resins made it possible to achieve class-leading reliability of White chip LED in such a small package.

SMLD12WBN1W Advantages

Successfully maintained 100% luminous intensity during operational testing (25°C, IF=20mA, 1,000hrs)

Traditionally, Red and Green LEDs used in display panels of industrial equipment are less prone to cause yellowing of the resin due to light energy. Therefore, luminosity degradation has not been regarded as a problem. Epoxy resins with high mold hardness are commonly adopted for compact molded type LEDs. However, in the case of LEDs with a short wavelength (λD<527nm) such as White, the resin may turn yellow due to the energy of the light. To address this issue, the SMLD12WBN1W utilizes a new material for the sealing resin that maintains 100% luminosity during operational testing (25C, IF=20mA, 1,000hrs). This results in approx. 20x longer life when compared to the residual luminosity shown under the same conditions by similar products available in the market.

Energization Test Resulits

25x higher package strength than those using silicone resin

Although light intensity degradation can be improved by adopting silicone resin, the molding becomes easier to detach from the substrate. Measures to enhance mounting strength such as adding reflectors to compact LEDs cannot be used, and damage to the molding section remains a challenge.
The use of a new resin material improves the molding strength by 25x when compared to products using silicone resin even at high temperatures (Ta=150C). This minimizes defects during mounting on circuit boards, thus achieving superior mountability.

Molded Strength Measurement Results


Part No. Emitting
Forward Voltage[VF] Dominant Wavelength[λD] Brightness[IV] Package
Typ.(V) IF(mA) min.
IF(mA) min.
SML-D12V8W Red 2.2 20 625 630 635 20 16 40 20 1.6 × 0.8 mm
SML-D12U8W 615 620 625 25 63
SML-D12D8W Orange 602 605 608 40 100
SML-D12Y8W Yellow 587 590 593 25 63
SML-D12M8W Yellow Green 569 572 575 10 25
SML-D12P8W Green 557 560 563 2.5 6.3
SMLD12EN1W 3.0 5 520 527 535 5 56 140 5
SMLD12E2N1W Blue Green 2.9 500 505 512 120
SMLD12E3N1W 490 496 502 85
SMLD12BN1W Blue 465 470 475 14 40
NEWSMLD12WBN1W White (x,y)(0.295, 0.280) 56 120

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