What are D/A Converters?
- D/A Converter: What are D/A Converters? D/A converters convert digital signals into analog format.
- A/D and D/A Requirements Advances in microfabrication technology require digitization of signal processing, which requires A/D and D/A conversion.
- What is Binary? Binary is a scheme of numbers that only has two possible values for each digit: 0 and 1.
- D/A Conversion Methods Numerous implementation methods exist for Digital to Analog (D/A) converters.
- DAC Basic Configurations 1 (Decoder Method) A decoder is a method that converts a digital signal and then passes it on to another circuit.
- DAC Basic Configurations 2 (Binary Method) A circuit that receives and processes unconverted digital signals is referred to as a binary system.
- DAC Basic Configurations 3 (Thermometer Code Method) As one workaround for output analog signal, the thermometer code method is often used.