

Medium-Term Management Plan “Moving Forward to 2025”


ROHM is currently implementing its five-year Medium-Term Management Plan, “Moving Forward to 2025”, which covers the period from FY2021 to FY2025. The management theme for the period up to FY2025 is to achieve growth in “automotive segments” and “market outside of Japan” and build a foundation for further growth, with the aim of becoming a major global player by 2030.

Overview of Management Policy

Overview of Management Policy

Positioning and Goals of the Medium-Term Management Plan

ROHM announced its first Medium-Term Management Plan, “Moving Forward to 2025,” in FY2021. The management theme for the period up to FY2025 is to achieve growth in “automotive segments” and “market outside of Japan” and build a foundation for further growth, with the aim of becoming a major global player by 2030.

Positioning and Goals of the Medium-Term Management Plan

Financial Goals

FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2025 PLAN(REVISED)
NET SALES ¥452.1 billion ¥507.8 billion ¥467.7 billion ¥600.0 billion or more
15.8% 18.2% 9.3% 20% or higher
ROE 8.3% 9.2% 5.7% 9% or higher

Non-financial Goals (Summary)

Environment (FY2030)

  • ・GHG emissions: 50.5% reduction (vs. FY2018)
  • ・Advancement toward 100% implementation of renewable energies in FY2050
  • ・Zero waste emissions

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Diversity and Employees

  • ・Reach global female manager ratio of 15% or higher
  • ・Reach employee engagement score above industry average

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  • ・Quality satisfaction score: 10% improvement (vs. FY2020)

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