USB Power Derivery 共通箇所(global)

USB Power Derivery

ROHM's BD93FxxMWV/BD93FxxMWV series of power receiving controller ICs support the latest USB Power Delivery (USB USB PD) protocol with the USB Type-C connector.
Compatibility with USB Type-C Rev1.3 and USB PD Rev3.0 makes it possible to receive and deliver up to 100W (20V/5A).
This enables devices with larger power requirements to be driven such as notebook PCs and TVs that could not be powered by conventional USB. At the same time, it can be applied to rapid battery chargers by taking advantage of its high power supply specifications.
The BD93FxxMWV series adopts the MAP QFN package while the BD93ExxGWL series is offered in the the space-saving CSP.
And for USB Type C power receiving applications up to 15W (5V/3A) that do not require USB PD, the BD91N01NUX power receiver switch control IC is recommended.



Q. What is USB Type-C?
A. A new standard for the USB connector and cable. Unlike conventional USB connectors and cables, it can be used without regard to the Host and Device sides, and the same symmetrical connector design is used at both ends, allowing for reversible plug orientation and cable direction.
Q. What is Power Delivery?
A. An optional standard for delivering power through the USB Type-C connector and cable. This function makes it possible to supply up to 100W (20V/5A) to compatible devices.
Q. Are all Type C ports USB PD?
A. USB Power Delivery is a standard that extends the functionality of Type C, but not all Type C implements USB PD.
Type C ports without USB PD functionality will only output 5V. However, unlike conventional USB it is possible to supply and receive up to 3A.
Q. Are there any restrictions on the Type C cables that can be used?
A. No, there are no restrictions on the cables that can be used. All cables on the market are able to carry 3A, but to provide 5A an e-marker chip must be included to identify the cable and its current capabilities. So even if two devices support 5A, if the cable only supports 3A the device and cable will negotiate and current will be reduced to 3A to ensure safe power supply.
Q. What the voltages and currents that can be used with USB Power Delivery?
A. The Power Rule is defined by USB Power Delivery. Standard voltages are 5V, 9V, 15V, and 20V, with currents of 1.5A, 3.0A, and 5.0A. User-definable voltages and currents can be added.
Q. What is the adoption rate of USB PD in applications?
A. Since 2020, most digital devices such as laptops and smartphones have adopted the USB Type-C standard. And in September 2021, the European Commission enacted legislation requiring that certain digital devices implement USB Type-C for charging to reduce e-waste. This is expected to accelerate the replacement of AC adapters to Type-C, even outside of specific devices.
Q. What are the features of ROHM's USB PD controller ICs?
A.In addition to utilizing high voltage processes, multiple protection functions are included. As a result, external protective components are no longer necessary, reducing costs. At the same time, built-in firmware enables standalone operation, decreasing the number of development man-hours by eliminating the need for customers to design their own firmware.
Q. Is it possible to change the voltage and current settings via firmware?
A. There is no need to update the firmware for customers with configuration changes. The desired voltage and current (power) for Type C/USB Power Delivery can be changed to the most requested power settings via the ICs GPIO pins. Please note that firmware changes are generally not accepted.
Q. Can it be controlled using an external interface?
A. The BD91N01NUX is output only, so no configuration through an interface is required. The BD93E11GWL and BD93F10MWV are designed for standalone operation and therefore do not allow control of configuration changes through external interfaces.
Q. What are the differences between each of ROHM's ICs?
A. BD93F10MWV: Enables dedicated standalone USB Power Delivery Sink operation in a QFN package. Ideal for Sink devices greater than 5V.
BD93E11GWL: Provides dedicated standalone USB Power Delivery Sink operation in a WLCSP package. Ideal for use in compact devices greater than 5V.
BD91N01NUX: Allows for dedicated standalone Type-C Sink operation. Ideal for sets requiring just 5V.
Q. What are DFP, DRP, and UFP?
A. DFP (Downstream Facing Port): Data (Host Side)/Power (Source Side)
UFP (Upstream Facing Port): Data (Device Side)/Power (Sink Side)
DRP (Dual Role Port): Capable of operating as a DFP and UFP. However, care is required since the Data Role of the DRP and Power Role of the USBPD have different meanings.
Q. What about compatibility with proprietary charging methods?
A. Conventional proprietary charging methods substitute the D± signal for data communication in Type A, or superimposes a signal on VBUS to communicate for high speed charging. However, Type C uses CC (Configuration Channel) signals for communication that makes it incompatible with proprietary charging methods. At the same time USB IF (Implementers Forum), which develops and deploys USB standards, restricts the implementation of charging methods other than BC1.2 and USB PD for Type C ports.
