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Short-time Playback - Internal AB-class Speaker Amplifier Type

Short-time Playback - Internal AB-class Speaker Amplifier Type


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      Supporting Information


      Speech Synthesis LSIs with Short-time Playback
      Internal D-class Speaker Amplifier Type


      Easily provide high quality sound solutions, decoders, amplifiers, filters, memory, all-in-one! Built-in 692Kbit to 4Mbit ROM that is easy to use for short playback.

      Short playback Speech Synthesis LSI has a ROM of 692Kbit to 4Mbit.
      The lineup of [Products with Flash memory] and [Products with MaskROM], and can be replaced with complete pin compatibility.
      Developed based on Flash memory products, mass production can be carried out with either Mask ROM products or Flash memory shipped blank (unwritten). Select the best format according to application needs.

      • Speech Synthesis LSI special site

      Product Features

      Features 1Integrated oscillator and Class D amp reduce component count

      Reduced mounting area

      The built-in high accuracy 4.096MHz+1.5% (–10°C to +50°C) oscillator and Class D amp require almost no peripheral parts and enable sound playback by simply connecting to a speaker. In addition, the compact package reduces mounting area.

      Applicable Models : ML22Q374、ML22Q394

      Features 2Integrated Class D amp ensures the high-efficiency output

      Speaker Output Power vs. Efficiency

      Class D speaker amps are capable of 1.0W (Max) output, feature low heat generation even at high (sound) volumes, and minimize heat dissipation measures.
      In addition, efficiency is excellent at low battery power, reducing current consumption and prolonging battery life.

      Applicable Models : ML22Q374、ML22Q394

      Feature 3Built-in disconnection detection function eliminates the need to worry about speaker failure

      Disconnection detection function

      The ML223xx series includes a disconnection detection function that can provide notification (i.e. via LED) in the event no sound is output due to disconnection between the speaker amp and speaker. Passing current between SPP and SPM enables detection through High/Low determination. This ensures worry-free operation even in the event of speaker disconnection.

      Applicable Models : ML22Q374、ML22Q394


      Speech Synthesis LSI Application for Short Playback

      LAPIS TECHNOLOGY™ 's Short Playback Speech Synthesis LSI is ideal for sound effects and warning sounds in rice cookers, air conditioners, remote controllers for hot water supply, toys, alarm clocks, etc. lasting from tens of seconds to several minutes.
      Two types are available: MaskROM for mass production and Flash memory with rewritable data.

      "LAPIS TECHNOLOGY™" is a trademark or a registered trademark of ROHM Co., Ltd.