

Green ProcurementSupply Chain Management


Attitude toward Promoting Green Procurement

ROHM Group recognizes the importance of natural capital as stated in our Environmental Policy, and has made the promotion of efforts that contribute to and take into consideration the global environment as an important management issue. Aiming for the sustainable development of society without destroying the global environment requires recycling business activities with a lower impact on the environment. ROHM Group not only complies with environmental laws, regulations, treaties and international guidelines throughout the entire supply chain, but is also engaged in the procurement of environmentally friendly parts and materials.

As legal regulations on the management of chemical substances become increasingly stringent, ROHM Group has worked to increase the precision of investigations of chemical substances contained in the parts and materials it procures to promote green procurement. The Group has created a system for not procuring prohibited substances by screening the substances contained in parts and materials by referring to ROHM’s own standards and only registering those that meet the standards in the “Procurement System” as allowed products. Furthermore, in order to ask suppliers to conduct thorough management of chemical substances contained in products, ROHM Group issues Green Procurement Guidelines and Control Standard of Chemical Substances in Products, and asks them to confirm compliance with the designated standards for the parts and materials handled.

Achievement Targets and Initiatives


Raise suppliers' environmental management systems to a level acceptable to our standards through feedback and improvement activities based on the results of their environmental management system self-assessments.

[Achievement Indicator]

Pass rate of self-assessment of suppliers‘ environmental management systems : 100%

Achievement Targets
(Target Year: 2025)
Subject Target for
FY2023 Result Target for
100% ROHM 96.0% 92.8% 96.0%
ROHM Group - 87.7% 92.0%

Assessment Results for ROHM

Evaluation Category ROHM
FY2022 FY2023 Corresponding
Number of Companies Percentage of Total Number of Companies Percentage of Total
A 70% or more 376 92.6% 376 92.8% -
B 40% or more
Less than 70%
1 0.2% 1 0.2%
  • ・We check the results of self-assessment of suppliers' environmental management systems, and understand their issues and situations based on the items with low scores.
  • ・We send a written request for improvement to suppliers and ask them to make improvements.
C Less than 40% 11 2.7% 1 0.2%
  • ・We support the improvements to increase the results of our suppliers's environmental management system self-assessment to 40% or more.
Requested Correction 0 0.0% 9 2.2%
Unanswered 18 4.4% 18 4.4%
Total 406 100% 405 100%

Assessment Results for ROHM Group

Evaluation Category ROHM
FY2022 FY2023 Corresponding
Number of Companies Percentage of Total Number of Companies Percentage of Total
A 70% or more - - 1,115 87.7%
B・C Less than 40% - - 16 1.3%
  • ・We check the results of self-assessment of suppliers' environmental management systems, and understand their issues and situations based on the items with low scores.
  • ・We send a written request for improvement to suppliers and ask them to make improvements.
Requested Correction - - 9 0.7%
  • ・We support the improvements to increase the results of our suppliers's environmental management system self-assessment to 40% or more.
Unanswered - - 131 10.3%
Total - - 1,271 100%

Past Activities

FY2019 We distributed the Survey of Chemical Substances Contained in Products to 512 suppliers and received responses from 489 companies.
FY2020 As a result of the evaluation based on ROHM's own standards, three suppliers did not meet some of the requirements.
FY2021 As a result of their efforts to improve corrective actions, two suppliers met ROHM's required standards.
FY2022 Conducted periodic self-assessment using the Survey Sheet for Chemical Substances Contained in Products once every three years.
The number of companies subject to the survey has been reduced due to close scrutiny of the supply chain.
In addition, for suppliers that did not meet some of the requirements this time, we have started activities for improvement by identifying issues and sharing the situation with them.
FY2023 Started assessments at ROHM Group level.
For suppliers who do not meet some of the ROHM's standards or who are not responding, we are trying to check the situation and identify the issues, and to promote initiatives for improvement.



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