
ROHM organized an in-house food drive.

  • 2023-08-30
  • Social

ROHM held a five-day food drive at the ROHM Head office, Kyoto Ekimae Building, and Yokohama Technology Center from July 24th through 28rd, 2023.
ROHM has been donating foodstuffs in cooperation with NPOs with the aim of reducing food loss and providing assistance to those in need.

【ROHM Head Office, Kyoto Ekimae Building】
On each day of the food drive, our employees actively participated in promoting the event within the company.
During the five days, a total of 105 kg of foodstuffs, including rice, retort pouches, canned food, and sweets, were collected from our employees and donated to Food Bank Kyoto, a non-profit organization.
The food will be delivered to children and single-parent families in need of food support through welfare facilities and children's cafeterias, and to people in temporary financial hardship through government agencies.

ROHM organized an in-house food drive.
ROHM organized an in-house food drive.

At the Yokohama Technology Center, ROHM Co., Ltd., LAPIS Semiconductor Co., Ltd., and LAPIS Technology Co., Ltd. jointly organized a food drive. During the in-house food drive, they collected 39kg of foodstuffs.
Donated food will be distributed by Food Bank Yokohama, a non-profit organization, to children and single-parent families in Yokohama City who require food support.
The food bank representatives said: "We are very grateful for the donation of food, as there are many single-parent families who will appreciate food assistance."

ROHM organized an in-house food drive.

ROHM Group is committed to solving social issues through our business activities and will continue to provide employees regularly with information on social issues and related initiatives. As a corporate citizen, ROHM will actively promote activities that contribute to local communities.
