
ROHM received the Medal with Dark Blue Ribbon for support of solar panel installation at Kyoto Municipal Shichijo Daisan Elementary School

  • 2023.07.13
  • Environmental

ROHM Co., Ltd. has received the Medal with Dark Blue Ribbon for its support and installation of solar panels at Kyoto Municipal Shichijo Daisan Elementary School.

On June 23, 2023, Kyoto City held the award ceremony at ROHM Head Office and presented the certificate of commendation.

In July 2022, ROHM concluded a partnership agreement with the City of Kyoto for the creation of a decarbonized society, which stipulates that ROHM will cooperate in the fight against climate change. As part of our efforts, ROHM will support the installation of solar panels at Kyoto Municipal Shichijo Daisan Elementary School, a nearby elementary school, thereby contributing to the realization of a decarbonized society and improving the community's resilience.
Since FY2023, ROHM has been conducting environmental education classes for students of Kyoto Municipal Shichijo Daisan Elementary School in the biotope area at ROHM Head Office.
ROHM will continue to promote sustainability management based on the company mission and management vision and will actively collaborate with local communities in our efforts to conserve the environment and biodiversity to achieve a sustainable society.

<About the biotope on the Head Office premises>
In order to realize ROHM Group Environmental Vision 2050, the target for the "Coexistence with Nature", one of the three themes of the Environmental Vision, is to further promote greening and ecosystem preservation activities.
As one of the measures to achieve these goals, ROHM has established a biotope area of 8,400㎡ on the premises of the Head Office, based on the concept of "a place where ROHM, the local community, and living creatures are connected," and is using the area for environmental education.


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