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When I try to start debugging with LEXIDE-U16 on the ML62Q1000 series, ICE error: 6603H occurs and I cannot debug.Since I have confirmed the following phenomenon, it does not seem to be a connection failure between the on-chip emulator and the microcontroller as described in FAQ No:_02130, or a malfunction of the microcontroller.(1) The debugger can be started without an error only once immediately after erasing the target with MWU16.(2) Regarding the reference software sample program, after erasing the target with the MWU16, I can debug it repeatedly without any problems.
Check the mode setting P0MOD0 of the P00/TEST0 pin in your program. When using the on-chip emulator, use the P00/TEST0 pin as an input pin for on-chip debugging. If P0MOD0 is set to input disabled or output enabled, communication with the on-chip emulator will be disabled, and "ICE error: 6603H" will occur, making debugging impossible. Set P0MOD0 to the initial value 05H.