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Yes. Regardless of /F option specified/not specified, two ROM code data files, "RA" and "RB", are generated. /F option is an option to specify a ROM code data filename output by HTU8. When /F is removed, a filename is automatically determined using the input file specified on the head by HTU8 as the base name of output file.
*When above is executed in a command prompt for U8, the following three output files of HTU8 are output. ML610Q439_000RA.HEX ML610Q439_000RB.HEX ML610Q439_000RA.log
/F option not specified: HTU8 test01.hex /TM610439 /OH
*When above is executed in a command prompt for U8, the following three output files of HTU8 are output. TEST01RA.HEX TEST01RB.HEX TEST01RA.log
*The four ROM code data contents of ML610Q439_000RA.HEX, ML610Q439_000RB.HEX, TEST01RA.HEX, and TEST01RB.HEX are identical.