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When compiling/linking is done on the IDEU8 GUI environment, the sorted data and functions on multiple const tables are no longer sorted.Is there a method to sort in the order of written source code?
There is a method to sort const tables, functions, and variables in the order of written source code. The following shows the method.
[Sorting const tables in the order of source code] Use the Segconst pragma. By writing as shown below, const variables can be sorted in the order of written source code.
[Sorting functions in the order of source code] Use the Segcode pragma. By writing as shown below, functions can be sorted in the order of written source code.
[Sorting variables in the order of source code] Use the Seginit pragma for variables with initialization, and use the Segnoinit pragma for variables without initialization. By writing as shown below, variables can be sorted in the order of written source code.
#pragma Segnoinit "Noinit_Var" <- Write Segnoinit pragma int var1; int var2;
#pragma Seginit "Init_Var" <- Write Seginit pragma int var3 = 0x1234; int var4 = 0x5678;
For details on pragma, refer to "5.16 SEGMENT Pragma" in "CCU8 User's Manual".