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When "/KJ" option is specified in the CCU8 compiler and the Escape sequence "\", etc. are included in the string table, the following error is output.(E3005: Illegal Escape sequence)
When /KJ option is specified and the string table contains "\"", it cannot be read correctly. There are no problems for other Escape sequences.
Two workarounds are shown next. Either workaround solves the problem; therefore, please use the one with less correction amount.
[Workaround 1] When not specifying /KJ option: ------------------------------- When the string table contains the following SHIFT-JIS Kanji, replace the SHIFT-JIS Kanji with the hex code.
[Workaround 2] When the /KJ is specified: ----------------------------- As shown below, when including "\" to the string table, change "\" to \x22, and specify /KJ option at compiling.