• RAM arrangement
    It is arranged differently from the defined order in the map file. Is it possible to arrange in the defined order?
    • RAM variables can be arranged in the defined order.
      The procedure is shown below.
      (1) In C source, use seginit pragma and segnoinit pragma to group RAM variables.
      ・Place a variable with initialization to a desired segment using the seginit pragma.
      ・Place a variable without initialization to a desired segment using the seginit pragma.
      ・Define each segment name with a unique name.

      (Example for writing seginit pragma and segnoinit pragma)
      --- file1.c ---
      #pragma seginit "file1_ram1"
      int gi1 = 0x1234;
      int gi2 = 0x3456;
      #pragma seginit

      #pragma segnoinit "file1_ram2"
      int gi3;
      int gi4;
      #pragma segnoinit

      (2) Specify the assigned segment with the target option of IDEU8.
      Select [Project] -> [Options] -> [Target...], and display the [Segment] tab in the [Target Option] dialog, and set the followings.

      (1) Check [DATA segment to assign with priority], and specify segment in the [Specify segment] field.

        <Example on specifying segment>
      0e000h file1_ram1 file1_ram2

      (2) Check [Specify segment assigning order], and specify segment in the [Specify segment] field.

        <Example on specifying segment>
      (file1_ram1 file1_ram2)

      When specified as (1) and (2) above, RAM variables are assigned in the order of file1_ram1 and file1_ram2 after 0E000H address.

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