PMIC i.MX 6SoloLite Application Processor

PMIC for Freescale's i.MX 6SoloLite Application Processor

ROHM's BD71805MWV utilizes power supply technology cultivated for mobile applications to optimize circuit configuration for the i.MX 6SoloLite processor. The result is significantly reduced power consumption during both standby and normal operation, prolonging battery life considerably.In addition, an RTC (Real Time Clock) function that enables clock and calendar management without driving the main processor is built in, increased operating time, along with a li-ion battery charger featuring 30V input overvoltage protection that eliminates the need for an external IC. This reduces footprint by 20%, contributing to greater miniaturization.

Power Rails

Output Channel i.MX 6SoloLite Usage Example Power Supply Output Voltage (Default) Load Max. Adjustable Range
BUCK1 ARM PVIN1 1.375V 2000mA 0.8 to 2.000V(25mV step)[DVS]
BUCK2 SOC/PU PVIN2 1.375V 1000mA 0.8 to 2.000V (25mV step) [DVS]
PVIN3 3.15V 1000mA 2.6 to 3.35V (50mV step)
BUCK4 LPDDR2 (1.2V) PVIN4 1.2V 1000mA 1.0 to 2.7V (50mV step)
LDO1 Peripheral VINL1 2.5V 300mA 0.8 to 3.3V (50mV step)
LDO2 NVCC18_IO/LPD-DR2 (1.8V) VINL2 1.8V 300mA 0.8 to 3.3V (50mV step)
LDO3 2.7 to 5.5V VINL2 1.2V 300mA 0.8 to 3.3V (50mV step)
LDO5 SNVS (Always on) VIN 3.0V 25mA Fixed

Electrical Characteristics

Part Number Quiescent Circuit Current
BD71805MWV 25µA(OFF)、150µA(STANDBY)、12mA(ON)

Block Diagram
(ex: eBook Reader)


In addition to leveraging original technology to develop PMICs for the i.MX 6SoloLite application processor and continuing to implement product development to meet customer needs, ROHM is working to expand its lineup of industry-leading solutions.