ROHM was Selected as a"Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization 2023 (White 500)" for the sixth consecutive year
On March 8, 2023, ROHM Co., Ltd. was certified for the sixth consecutive year as one of the "Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization" (Large Enterprise Category)" administred by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi.
This program was established in 2017 as a system to honor corporations, including large corporations and small-and-medium-sized enterprises, that practice particularly excellent health management based on initiatives that are in line with local health issues and health promotion efforts promoted by the Japan Health Council. The program aims to create an environment in which corporations can be socially recognized as "corporations that consider the health management of their employees from a managerial perspective and are strategically engaged in such management.
[Examples of initiatives to promote employee health (excerpt)]
(1) Influenza vaccination
We provide free influenza vaccinations to all employees who wish to receive them every year. More than 90% of all employees receive the vaccination.
(2) Rubella antibody test
We have established an in-house rubella prevention system by incorporating an antibody test plan into our regular employee health checkups and providing vaccinations at our in-house clinic.
(3) Gynecological examinations
We have incorporated breast cancer and cervical cancer screening into our regular health checkup plan, and more than 90% of eligible women undergo gynecological examinations.
(4)Health promotion events and online seminars
We provide various exercise opportunities for employees who wish to participate, such as walking campaigns and online seminars on yoga, stiff shoulders, back pain prevention, etc.
In accordance with the Safety and Health Policy, ROHM has organized six specialized subcommittees under the Central Safety and Health Committee to promote safety and health activities to ensure the safety of all employees, maintain and promote their physical and mental health, and promote the creation of a comfortable work environment. In 2021, ROHM identified the "promotion of employee safety and health" as one of the key sustainability issues necessary for sustainable growth.
ROHM will continue to position the "creation of a comfortable work environment and the maintenance and promotion of mental and physical health" as one of its top management priorities and will continue its efforts to maintain and promote the health of each and every employee and to achieve a good work-life balance.