- Japanese Red Cross Society gave LAPIS Semiconductor a Golden Merit Award.
- Acceptance Work Place Experience (internship) for Junior High School and High School Students
- Conducting Eco-Educational Event for the Kindergarten Children
- Coastal Cleanup Activities
- Food Bank Activity
- Blood Donation Activities
Japanese Red Cross Society gave LAPIS Semiconductor a Golden Merit Award.
LAPIS Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (LAPIS Semiconductor) is working on blood donation activity for 38 years as a contribution to the society. Currently, blood donation events are held three times a year, and employees voluntarily participate in response to regular calls for blood donations. In 2017,LAPIS Semiconductor received the Golden Merit Award*from Japanese Red Cross Society.
LAPIS Semiconductor will continuously conduct this activity in contribution of the society.
Golden Merit Award : Awarded for the company cooperated with blood donation more than 20 years and this is the highest award in Japanese Red Cross Society.
Acceptance Work Place Experience (internship) for Junior High School and High School Students
LAPIS Semiconductor is accepting the work place experience(internship) of Junior High School and High school students from the community two to three times a year.
The program consist of 3 sections: 1) Factory tour 2) work experience in clean room wearing dustproof clothes 3) Simulation of labor accident with safety experience training machine so that students can feel and learn.
LAPIS Semiconductor will continuously conduct this program over 10 years, and some of the students have joined our company through this program.
Conducting Eco-Educational Event for the Kindergarten Children
In December 2019, LAPIS Semiconductor held an eco-educational event for kindergarten children aged 3 to 5. Under the theme of "What we can do together to protect the earth!", we explained to the children about environmental easily, while taking quizzes on environmental destruction and global warming. The kindergarten children thought hard about what they could do to protect the earth. At the end of the event, we presented a flower seedling and a picture book "10 things you can do for the earth".
We will continue such community-based activities so that children, who will lead the next generation, will be able to learn about environmental issues in a familiar and enjoyable way.
Coastal Cleanup Activities
LAPIS Semiconductor conducted a beach cleanup activity near Aoshima Fishing Port by employees and their families, which included a seine netting experience.
LAPIS Semiconductor will continue such community-based activities to protect the richness of the sea.
Food Bank Activity
LAPIS Semiconductor conducts in-house food drives. A food drive is an activity in which surplus food is collected from each household and donated to specialized organizations or local welfare facilities to be delivered to children, single-parent families, and needy households in need of food support. The program has been held twice a year (summer and winter) since fiscal 2021. Employees bring foodstuffs such as rice, retort pouch foods, canned foods, and snacks. The collected food was donated to "Food Bank Miyazaki".
Blood Donation Activities
For 43 years, LAPIS Semiconductor has been working together with the employees of the resident companies working on LAPIS Semiconductor's premises three times a year to save the precious lives of those in need of blood transfusions due to illness or injury.
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