Industrial Visit by College and University

ROHM Electronics (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (REMA), provides opportunity to think about future dreams and careers to the local students by accepting company tours with in response to the needs of various educational institutions.
The students participated commented that “It was good opportunity to be able to observe the actual work environment”, “The company was well-organized”, “ROHM is factory with very strict control of product quality”.

Used clothes Donation & Cleaning Program at Nursing Home for Children

In cooperation with suppliers SwCorp Malaysia and BUJ Enterprise Sdn. Bhd., REMA carried out cleaning activity and used clothes donation for children’s nursing home. These activities are intended to support the lives and living environment of local people as a member of the community.
On the same day of the cleanup activity, REMA also conducted a lecture for children on 3Rs (reuse, reduce, recycle) and fish release activity was taken to learn more about the importance of environmental conservation.
Moreover, used clothes donation was conducted to reduce waste and to hand over to those who need it, to support people's lives.
REMA will continue such activities and work as a corporate citizen to co-exist and contribute to the region.

Blood Donation Event

REMA regularly holds blood donation events on its premises to save the precious lives of those in need of blood transfusions due to illness or injury.

Planting Vegetables and Fruits at an Orphanage

REMA not only visited the orphanage to give gifts to the children, but also planted seedlings of vegetables, fruits, and other edible plants. These activities not only help to reduce carbon emissions and restore natural ecosystems, but also help to solve the problem of poverty. REMA will continue to work for a better world.

Beach Trail Activities for Autistic Children

REMA conducted a beach trail activity for autistic children in collaboration with Universiti Krantan Malaysia. Thirty autistic children participated in this program, supported by a committee of 35 students from Universiti Kelantan Malaysia. By not only cleaning up the beach but also interacting with autistic children in nature by picking up seashells and playing simple games with them, the children were able to learn about the importance of a society and environment where diverse people can play an active role.
