



Donate Living Supplies to Local Elementary School

Culture & Community

ROHM Semiconductor (China) Co., Ltd. (RSC), a production base in Tianjin, China, makes donations by employees so that local children can live safe and comfortable lives and receive sufficient education. RSC donated clothing, household goods, stationery and food collected through donations from employees.

RSC will keep taking initiatives and encourage more donation activities in the future to support more and more children in our community.

Donate Living Supplies to Local Elementary School
Donate Living Supplies to Local Elementary School
Donate Living Supplies to Local Elementary School
Donate Living Supplies to Local Elementary School

Accepting Work Place Experience of Junior High School Students from the Community


ROHM Electronics Dalian Co., Ltd. (REDA) is holding the one-day work trial for middle school students from the local community. In this activity, the middle school students were able to experience work in the actual workplace setting. This serves the purpose to help students develop their desirable career views.
On September 1st 2017, five middle school freshman and one teacher from the Japanese School of Dalian visited to participate in our one-day work trial session at REDA.
The students spend a day learning about the company from different aspects. They will learn about general company information from the presentation, visit factories, attend workshop to learn from hands-on activities, and have a chance of close observations on our products.
They show keen interests especially in applying the safety tool kits and taking close look at the products under electron microscope.

Overall, all students have a great time learning from this one-day activity.

Accepting Work Place Experience of Junior High school students from the Community
Accepting Work Place Experience of Junior High school students from the Community
Accepting Work Place Experience of Junior High school students from the Community

Forestation Activity


REDA has proactively partnered with other companies to participate in forestation activities every year since 2009.

This activity aims to reduce CO₂ and create a more environmentally-friendly living. As a corporate citizen at the same time, REDA considers this activity as a great tool to communicate with local community and as a purpose to promote social contribution initiatives that could be rooted locally.

REDA has received positive comment from employee participant saying that, they believed in this kind of activity to serve as a great opportunity for all participants to consider carefully about measures to prevent Global Warming and protect our environment.

Forestation Activity

Environmental Protection Education Activities for Elementary Schools


REDA conducted an environmental protection education activity at an elementary school for third graders with the purpose of raising awareness of environmental protection among elementary school students. On the day of the event, the students enthusiastically welcomed REDA upon entering the classroom, and all were interested in hearing about the importance of environmental protection. This environmental protection education activity not only raised the environmental protection awareness of the elementary school students by informing them of the effects of climate change and encouraging them to think about what they can do to help, but it also led to an exchange between the company and the school.

Environmental Protection Education Activities for Elementary Schools

Donations Families in Need in Time for Chinese New Year


Clothing and food were donated to areas in need, and warm winter clothing and food for the Chinese New Year were given to the families. The food donated was purchased, but many new clothes were donated by employees.

Donations Families in Need in Time for Chinese New Year



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