• When I migrated an IDEU8 project to LEXIDE-U16, the behavior of the program changed.
    I used to set compile options separately in IDEU8.
    • When importing an IDEU8 project into LEXIDE-U16, only one compile option set will be imported ([_default] by default), and the imported option set will be applied to all files.
      Since the compile options that were individually set in IDEU8 are not inherited, it seems that the behavior of the program has changed.
      After checking the compile options that were individually set in IDEU8, set the same compile options in LEXIDE-U16.
      The procedure is as follows.
      With the source file selected on [Project Explorer], select [Properties] from the pop-up menu displayed by right-clicking,
      In the [Properties] dialog,
      In [C/C++ Build] > [Settings] > [Tool Settings] > [Compiler],
      set the option corresponding to IDEU8.
    • Products: General-purpose MCUs (16bit)