ROHM News Detail

Impact of COVID-19 in Tianjin, China

January 12th, 2022

Following the outbreak of the new coronavirus variant in Tianjin, China on January 9, restrictions on human movement have been imposed, including the start of PCR testing for all citizens, as instructed by the Tianjin municipal authorities.
As a result, the Tianjin Plant has been temporarily suspended since January 9, and the resumption of operations has not been determined at this time.

【Information of Tianjin Plant】
Company Name: ROHM Semiconductor (China) Co., Ltd.
Address: No.7, Weisan Road, Micro-Electronic Industrial Park, Jingang Highway, Xiqing District, Tianjin 300385 China
Main Products: Diodes, LEDs, Laser Diodes, Sensors, LED Displays

ROHM Group places the highest priority on the health and safety of our employees, and has established a complete quarantine system, including hygiene management.
We will continue to monitor the effects of COVID-19 and work with the administrative authorities to resume normal operations as soon as possible.