Local customer support: Insights into ROHM’s Spanish office “We feel under the umbrella of a good and serious company”


 Since its foundation, “Quality First” is ROHM’s main mission . Jaime Manent, Office Manager for ROHM Iberia, explains what it takes to be successful on the Spanish market. ​​​​​ Jaime, thanks for being part of our local support... Read More »

Sub-GHz Wireless Communication for the Evolving Industrial Equipment Market


An increasing number of devices used in everyday life, such as smart meters, fire alarms, and security systems, are beginning to connect using a method called ‘Sub-GHz wireless communication’ (also known as the ‘sub-giga band’). In contrast to... Read More »

ROHM’s Product Longevity Program


Semiconductors have become an essential part of daily life. Virtually all electronic and electrical products, from industrial equipment and infrastructure to cars and home appliances, contain a myriad of semiconductor devices. Especially in... Read More »



Image of a prototype robot equipped with NoMaDbot™ (currently under development) Contents 1. Challenges Faced in the Field Following the Widespread Adoption of AGVs and AMRs 2. Living Things... Read More »

“Being part of a change towards a cleaner future gives my work a meaningful purpose”


Marija, thanks for taking the time for an interview today. First of all: Could you please shortly introduce yourself and your professional background? My name is Marija Jankovic, I am an electrical engineer born in Serbia. I finished my... Read More »



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