

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow



Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow

Cash flows from operating activities


'15/3 '16/3 '17/3 '18/3 '19/3 '20/3 '21/3 '22/3 '23/3
Profit before income taxes 55,239 31,537 32,377 46,512 60,923 38,018 40,512 83,859 109,507
Depreciation 34,467 38,338 40,801 43,407 45,415 44,328 40,167 42,027 56,140
Impairment loss 5,875 2,021 2,455 7,046 1,398 429 807 285 301
Gain on insurance claim -2,487 - - - - - - - -
Amortization of goodwill 33 245 385 391 - - - - -
Increase (decrease) in allowance for doubtful accounts - -382 651 147 -313 -572 -3 -86 426
Increase (decrease) in retirement benefit liability 475 617 664 496 467 -833 433 909 610
Decrease (increase) in retirement benefit asset -72 -525 232 150 350 120 261 -422 36
Increase (decrease) in provision for loss on business liquidation - 442 - - - - - - -
Extral reteirement payments - - - - 2,094 1,250 - - -
Interest and dividend income -2,394 -2,860 -4,052 -3,860 -4,824 -4,858 -2,399 -2,022 -4,460
Foreign exchange losses (gains) -10,806 5,178 1,707 1,581 -1,340 1,544 -1,785 -3,616 -6,385
Loss (gain) on sales of short-term and long-term investment securities - - - - - -5,020 -1,392 -2,190 -
Loss (gain) on valuation of short-term and long-term investment securities 18 4 57 81 0 936 - - 622
Loss (gain) on sales of non-current assets -297 -13 -177 -424 -80 -289 120 -582 -1,311
Loss on disaster - - - - - - 340 427 -
Decrease (increase) in trade receivables -3,810 5,299 -11,935 -9,433 1,274 8,149 -9,650 -12,278 2,043
Decrease (increase) in inventories -1,534 7,392 -251 -11,737 -21,846 7,091 -14,073 -19,794 -35,734
Increase (decrease) in trade payables -2,938 35 2,400 -1,429 -2,764 -703 1,243 1,529 -5,489
Increase (decrease) in accounts payable - other 5,321 -1,936 571 512 -1,705 164 383 2,853 24
Other, net 3,236 -350 3,418 2,745 1,477 -438 343 5,055 -924
Subtotal 80,326 85,043 69,307 76,190 80,527 89,317 55,309 95,953 115,405
Proceeds from insurance income 2,487 - - - - - - - -
Expenditure of business restructuring - - -305 -8 - - - - -
Interest and dividends received 2,335 2,714 4,052 4,714 4,645 5,046 2,500 1,856 3,519
Interest paid -5 -3 -1 -16 -1 -9 -6 -8 -15
Income taxes (paid) refund -12,762 -8,852 -5,654 -6,152 -19,180 -12,953 -11,219 -5,619 -20,280
Extra retirement payments - - - - - -2,269 -609 - -
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 72,381 78,901 67,397 74,727 65,990 79,130 45,975 92,181 98,628

'06/3 to '14/3

Cash flows from investing activities


'15/3 '16/3 '17/3 '18/3 '19/3 '20/3 '21/3 '22/3 '23/3
Decrease (increase) in time deposits -53,711 34,779 3,855 10,469 -3,358 17,737 -10,470 10,533 11,166
Purchase of short-term and long-term investment securities -17,794 -6,173 -10,990 -19,362 -13,403 -6,908 -9,334 -17,179 -2,858
Proceeds from sales and redemption of short-term and long-term investment securities 13,034 11,426 8,486 5,218 20,550 25,421 12,652 20,050 9,158
Purchase of property, plant and equipment -40,271 -54,211 -39,602 -49,862 -54,273 -41,880 -32,377 -66,579 -100,769
Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment 1,843 900 563 1,006 156 652 153 931 2,201
Purchase of shares of subsidiaries resulting in change in scope of consolidation - -8,626 - - - - - - -
Proceeds from transfer of business - - 429 - - - - - -
Other, net -3,737 -531 -1,483 -1,986 -3,670 -3,698 -1,466 -3,193 -7,636
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities -100,638 -22,436 -38,742 -54,517 -53,997 -8,676 -40,844 -55,437 -88,738

'06/3 to '14/3

Cash flows from financing activities


'15/3 '16/3 '17/3 '18/3 '19/3 '20/3 '21/3 '22/3 '23/3
Purchase of treasury shares -15 -17,006 -6 -10 -10,003 -41,295 -8,715 -9 -6
Proceeds from issuance of bonds - - - - - 40,918 - - -
Dividends paid -8,085 -16,038 -12,164 -21,154 -20,625 -15,675 -14,822 -14,721 -20,610
Other, net -70 -64 -2 -21 -18 -1,022 -1,302 -1,499 -1,535
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities -8,171 -33,109 -12,173 -21,186 -30,647 -17,075 -24,840 -16,230 -22,153
Effect of exchange rate change on cash and cash equivalents 18,705 -14,222 -2,268 -1,063 2,746 -5,904 6,338 12,542 11,293
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents -17,722 9,133 14,212 -2,041 -15,908 47,474 -13,371 33,055 -969
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 240,391 222,668 231,802 246,015 243,973 228,065 275,539 262,168 295,223
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 222,668 231,802 246,015 243,973 228,065 275,539 262,168 295,223 294,254

'06/3 to '14/3

The figures in "Historical Data" are recorded as of each fiscal year. The figures are not restated due to changes in accounting standards.

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